Page 67 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 67
hors and year Name of the article Methodology Conclusion/Results
of publication

Donini et al., 2013 Nutritional Care in a Systematic review Protein-energy malnutrition is a clini- nutrition support teams in social care institutions 65
Nursing Home in Italy cal condition due to the imbalance be-
Beck et al., 2016 A cluster tween needs, intake and utilization of
Murphy et al., Multidisciplinary nutri- randomized trial nutrients, leading to increased mor-
2017 tional support for un- Qualitative study bidity and mortality and to the im-
Boeykens and dernutrition in nursing Systematic review pairment of quality of life. Malnutri-
Hecke, 2018 home and home-care: A tion can involves elderly people and
cluster randomized con- different diseases like cancer and oth-
trolled trial ers. .
Nutrition and dementia The incidence of complications in
care: developing an ev- malnourished people in nursing
idence-based model for homes is 27 % compared to patients
nutritional care in nurs- in well nourished patients (16 %), and
ing homes mortality is three times higher.
Advanced practice nurs- Malnutrition affects the function of
ing: Nutrition Nurse organs and systems, it decreases mus-
Specialist role and func- cles maas and muscle strengt, in-
tion creasing the incidence of hospital in-
fections, increases the incidence of
thrombosis and delays healing of sur-
gical wounds and pressure sores.
Multidisciplinary nutritional support
for the elderly in nursing homes and
home care with an emphasis on indi-
vidual treatment of potentially vari-
able dietary risk factors with a nutri-
tion verification scheme and, where
appropriate, the involvement of physi-
otherapists, dietitians and occupation-
al therapists can have a positive im-
pact on quality of life, muscle strength
and oral care.
The developed model for nutrition-
al support in nursing homes includ-
ed seven areas: food supply, human fo-
cus, access to food and drink, tools,
resources and environment, attitude
towards others in food and drink, par-
ticipation in activities, consistency of
care and provision of information .
The United States of America be-
gan with educating nurses with spe-
cial skills in the 20th century. Europe
is behind with development and im-
plementation of Advanced Practice
Nursing. Nutrition support also can
be provided by a nurse with expert
knowledge,  skills, and clinical compe-
tencies for nutritional support.
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