Page 68 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 68
Authors and year Name of the article Methodology Conclusion/Results
of publication

zdravje starostnikov | health of the elderly 66 Rasamussen, et To determine the effec- Systematic Approach to malnutrition patients
al., 2018 tiveness of multidiscipli- review and must be multidisciplinary. The inter-
Qarizada et al., nary nutritional support meta-analyses vention they introduced includes oral
2019 in elderly hospitalized Pilot study nutritional supplements, improved
Power et al., 2019 patients Systematic review nutritional care and support, and di-
Al-Halaweh et al., Integrating nutrition ser- Longitudinal, atics counseling. The results of the in-
2019 vices into mobile health quasi-experimen- troduction of a multidisciplinary team
Schuetz et al., teams: Bringing compre- tal study and the above-mentioned interven-
2019 hensive services to an Randomised tions in the care of the elderly are an
underserved population clinical trial improvement in the quality of life and
in Afghanistan. a reduction in mortality.
Development and appli- Four mobile health teams provid-
cation of a scoring sys- ed different health care services in re-
tem to rate malnutrition mote/hard-to-reach communities in
screening tools used in Afghanistan. They also provided nu-
older adults in commu- trition education  and management of
nity and healthcare set- malnutrition. Between February and
tings - A MaNuEL study December 2018 they screened 19.187
Mobile care teams im- children, out of which 1586 were se-
prove metabolic control verely malnutritioned and were suc-
for adults with Type II cessfully treated in 94%.
diabetes in the Southern For screening malnutrition healthcare
West Bank, Palestine institutes can use their own health
checklist for the community setting;
Individualised nutrition- the nutritional Form for Elderly, short
al support in medical in- Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire
patients at nutritional Residential Care; Malnutrition Screen-
risk: a randomised clin- ing Tool (MST) and Mini nutritional
ical trial Assesment (MNA).
Mobile diabetes clinics provide
high-quality patient care and are eco-
nomical accessible to countries with
limited resources. The mobile ap-
proach to diabetes treatment affect-
ed HbA1c, serum creatinine, BMI, and
blood pressure values. Research has
proven the effectiveness of a mobile
clinic in an otherwise inefficient Pales-
tinian health care system.
In malnourished patients, the use of
individual nutritional support dur-
ing hospital stays improved significant
clinical outcomes, including survival,
compared to standard hospital meals.
These findings strongly support the
concept of systematic screening of pa-
tients on admission to the hospital for
nutritional status, regardless of their
medical condition, followed by nutri-
tional assessment and the introduction
of individual nutritional support for
at-risk patients.
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