Page 93 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 93
e fear among older persons than other diseases. Due to its rapid trans-
mission and unexpected deaths, fear of COVID-19 can become exacerbat-
ed (Koçak et al., 2021). Fear of COVID-19 has a major impact on anxiety, de-
pression, and stress; infecting family members or friends can deepen this fear
(Koçak et al., 2021).

The COVID-19 epidemic has changed the daily routines of the older per-
sons, their care, and their abilities to remain socially connected. This has trig-
gered new challenges, including anxiety and fear of infection (WHO, 2021),
therefore, the purpose of our research was to gain insight into the experience
of hygiene requirements during the COVID-19 epidemic among older persons.

Methods a study on the experiences of hygiene requirements among older persons during the covid-19 epidemic 91
The main aim of the current research was to discover whether and in what
way the behaviour of older persons has changed during the COVID-19 epi-
demic. We were interested in how the older persons experience the COVID-19
epidemic, and if they are feared of the infectious disease COVID-19. The sur-
vey only includes people over the age of 65. The survey was conducted using a
questionnaire, that was to be completed in the respondents’ homes. The ques-
tionnaire was divided to 4 parts. In the first part, questions focus on the behav-
iour of older persons in trades during the COVID-19 epidemic. The second part
of the questionnaire collects data about food handling during the COVID-19
epidemic, third part includes data on the hygiene of older persons during the
COVID-19 epidemic, and the last, fourth part, includes data about overcoming
COVID-19 disease and demographic data.

Most questions were of the combined type, followed by closed-ended
questions using the yes/no dichotomy (with an added subquestion for clarifi-
cation), open-ended questions and one question with a measurement scale. Re-
spondents answered the questions after receiving detailed instructions.

Only persons over 65 years of age were included in the survey. 74 question-
naires were completed, of which 58 were valid. The survey included 66 % wom-
en and 34 % men (Table 1).

Table 1: Respondents‘ age

Respondents‘ age

Women 65-70 (n) 70-74(n) 75-80 (n) 80 or over (n) Total (n)
Men 12 9 10 7 38
Women and men 5 6 20
17 15 72 58

17 9

Legend: n – number of respondents
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98