Page 96 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 96
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 94 a shopping list (enabling faster product choice decisions), disinfection of hands
on entering and leaving the store, not touching unnecessary products, paying
with a pay card, and not touching the face without washing hands.

In China, SARS-CoV-2 was found in early July 2020 on imported food
products. It was detected on frozen foods, including their packaging materi-
als. Han and co-researchers (2021) assumed that there is a risk of SARS-CoV-2
transmission between countries and regions. Despite evidence of transmission
of the virus through food, there is no evidence that humans become infected
by ingesting the virus through food or drink (Food Standards Australia New
Zealand, 2021). Food packaging may be contaminated, but that does not pose a
particular risk of transmitting the infection. Currently, there is no reliable ev-
idence of virus transmission in contact with contaminated objects (German
Federal Institute for Risk Assessment , 2021). So far, there is no more precise
data on how long the virus survives or remains on surfaces. Studies show that
it can take hours or weeks, depending on the type of surface, temperature and
humidity of the environment (Food Standards Australia New Zealand, 2021).
The World Health Organization (2021) states that the virus needs a living host
(human or animal) to survive, and that it cannot reproduce on food packaging.
They state that food packaging does not need to be disinfected, but recommend
washing hands after handling the packaging.

The important interaction between fear of infection and increased hand
hygiene is reflected in more frequent hand washing and disinfecting than before
the COVID-19 epidemic. Hand hygiene is important in preventing the spread
of infectious diseases (Gammon et al., 2020). Various campaigns around the
world (e.g. national campaigns COVID-19 – nalezimo se dobrih navad (COV-
ID 19 - Infect yourself with good habits), Higiena rok za vse (Hand hygiene for
everyone), and international campaigns Clean your Hands, Seconds save lives -
clean your hands) in the field of public health have placed the greatest emphasis
on hand hygiene practices such as washing and disinfection. Despite inform-
ing the public, the target group of respondents is still not entirely sure about
the correct order of hand washing and disinfection. After washing hands and
before disinfectng them, the drying phase of hands is also important, as in this
way we prevent the resistance of microorganisms to alcohol.

There is no such research in Slovenia yet, so it would be sensible to mod-
ify it with a larger sample of respondents. The study has some limitations, as
the infectious disease COVID-19 has not yet been fully investigated. However,
the research is certainly a good basis for further research and a better under-
standing of the experiences of hygiene requirements among older persons dur-
ing the COVID-19 epidemic

The COVID-19 epidemic is a huge challenge for humanity, because it has
changed the lifestyles of many older persons. The results of the research show
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