Page 157 - Lazar, Irena, ur. 2022. Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za humanistične študije – 20 let / University of Primorska Faculty of Humanities – 20 years. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 157
king experiences. Students are also included in Interreg and research projects,
as well as in international conferences organized by the department. The research
approach is nurtured and encouraged also within singular classes accordingly to the
study level. The results of some final theses have been published in the form of ar-
ticles and chapters in scientific publications. So, for example, students carried out
field research as part of the project Living landscape, and, within the Modern Times
course, research for the Concepts of peasant economy project. Students are taken to
specialized field trips where they can see in person the contents from classes.
Students are our pride
Ines Beguš graduated at the UP FHŠ in history of cartography with prof. Darja
Mihelič (2009) and earned a doctorate with the dissertation Autonomy and econo-
my of the Natisone valleys during the Venetian republic (2013) with prof. Aleksand-
er Panjek for which she received the award of the Government Office for Slove-
nians Abroad and the Slovene research institute (SLORI) award. She has written a
scientific monograph and several articles, she cooperated on the Living Landscape
and the Integrated peasant economy projects at the FH and she cooperates as As-
sistant Professor in the classes History of Istria and the Primorska region and His-
tory of the Middle Ages. She has been working as a curator for the museum Goriški
muzej since 2015 where she is also member of the editorial board for the miscella-
ny Goriški letnik.
Our graduates
Matej Muženič completed his studies at the FH in 2009 with his diploma thesis “Fight
against demon alcohol!” The alcoholism problem and anti-alcohol movement in Slovenia
with prof. Andrej Studen. He worked at the UP FH as a coworker on the project
Heritage Live. He carried out research work, fieldwork with informants, and public
education and contributed a chapter for the books Šagras and folk festivities in north-
ern Istria (16th-19th century) and Istrian feasts: the past, the present, the authenticity. He
has been working at the Regional Archive of Koper since 2015 where he oversees
the health and social department and the Piran unit material.
as well as in international conferences organized by the department. The research
approach is nurtured and encouraged also within singular classes accordingly to the
study level. The results of some final theses have been published in the form of ar-
ticles and chapters in scientific publications. So, for example, students carried out
field research as part of the project Living landscape, and, within the Modern Times
course, research for the Concepts of peasant economy project. Students are taken to
specialized field trips where they can see in person the contents from classes.
Students are our pride
Ines Beguš graduated at the UP FHŠ in history of cartography with prof. Darja
Mihelič (2009) and earned a doctorate with the dissertation Autonomy and econo-
my of the Natisone valleys during the Venetian republic (2013) with prof. Aleksand-
er Panjek for which she received the award of the Government Office for Slove-
nians Abroad and the Slovene research institute (SLORI) award. She has written a
scientific monograph and several articles, she cooperated on the Living Landscape
and the Integrated peasant economy projects at the FH and she cooperates as As-
sistant Professor in the classes History of Istria and the Primorska region and His-
tory of the Middle Ages. She has been working as a curator for the museum Goriški
muzej since 2015 where she is also member of the editorial board for the miscella-
ny Goriški letnik.
Our graduates
Matej Muženič completed his studies at the FH in 2009 with his diploma thesis “Fight
against demon alcohol!” The alcoholism problem and anti-alcohol movement in Slovenia
with prof. Andrej Studen. He worked at the UP FH as a coworker on the project
Heritage Live. He carried out research work, fieldwork with informants, and public
education and contributed a chapter for the books Šagras and folk festivities in north-
ern Istria (16th-19th century) and Istrian feasts: the past, the present, the authenticity. He
has been working at the Regional Archive of Koper since 2015 where he oversees
the health and social department and the Piran unit material.