Page 152 - Lazar, Irena, ur. 2022. Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za humanistične študije – 20 let / University of Primorska Faculty of Humanities – 20 years. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 152

The study of history at the FH is oriented towards learning and understanding his-
torical processes and obtaining up-to-date knowledge. At various stages, it offers
an increasingly in-depth insight into all historical periods, focusing on the European
and Slovene area. Special attention is given to the Mediterranean dimension in Slo-
vene history, the wider Slovene ethnic area, and the placement of coastal and Slo-
vene history in the broader European, Mediterranean, and global historical pro-

The study of history at the UP FH offers knowledge about different views on the
past and areas of historical science, from social and economic to political and na-
tional history through cultural and anthropological history. It equips students with a
broad and at the same time an in-depth historical education, established and new-
er methodological tools and practical skills. The study enables and promotes critical
posture and independent assessment of historical events and processes, thus devel-
oping the ability to explore independently.

The team of colleagues of the Department of History of the UP FH is distinguished
by the representation of all generations, from experienced to younger lecturers,
who are among renowned experts and more penetrating researchers in their fields,
also recognized in the international environment. This enables us to integrate the
latest research results and international courses into the learning substance, which
can be perceived during regular lectures as well as in the form of numerous addi-
tional scientific educational opportunities.

For example, since 2017-18, the Department of History has been hosting the “His-
toric Spring”. This is an event that covers invited and guest lectures and presen-
tations of books by established or younger, Slovene and foreign professors and
researchers. In such a way, our students get acquainted with the most current re-
search topics and with the latest publications in Slovenia and Europe, with the pos-
sibility of direct contact and discussion with experts. In addition, every year at our
faculty we organize international conferences on various topics with the participa-
tion of Slovene and foreign lecturers, with which we present our research work and
further enrich the study experience of students of history at UP FH.

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