Page 168 - Lazar, Irena, ur. 2022. Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za humanistične študije – 20 let / University of Primorska Faculty of Humanities – 20 years. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 168
thic communities in an area crucial to understanding the neolitisation of the Eu-
ropean area.

As IAH strives to upgrade the knowledge about the material culture of different pe-
riods, we upgraded our research work by organizing thematic international scientif-
ic conferences that connect researchers of specific research fields. In May 2019, the
Material Encounters/Meetings with Material Culture Conference was organized,
dedicated to miniature material culture, and in March 2020 we organized an inter-
national conference ARTE-FACTUM: Study days on the ancient glass that attracted
a large part of glass researchers from all over Europe to lectures and workshops.

We left traces

The Institute of Archaeology and Heritage of the UP FH manages the Archaeologi-
cal Park Simonov zaliv, taking care of the activities and its promotion for many years,
leaving an indelible mark on the tourist offer of Izola. The project “AS-Archaeology
for All” (EEA Financial Mechanism Programme 2009-2014), acquired by the IAH Re-
search Group, increased the accessibility of the cultural monument in Simonov zal-
iv, placed it in the cultural and tourist offer, developed educational programmes and
the infrastructure of the park.

Students as researchers

In their research projects in the field of preventive archaeology, the Associates of
the IAH at the UP FH include students of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level of the Archaeolo-
gy program. With their involvement in the project work, students gain valuable re-
search experience already during their studies. A good example of the student’s in-
volvement in research work is also their active participation with the contributions
in form of posters at the International Scientific Conference of Material Culture/
Material Encounters, organized by IAH and DAH in 2019.

Assist. Prof. Alenka Tomaž, PhD, Head

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