Page 173 - Lazar, Irena, ur. 2022. Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za humanistične študije – 20 let / University of Primorska Faculty of Humanities – 20 years. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 173
t few years, in cooperation with colleagues from Italy, Sweden, Japan, Austria,
France and other European countries. To strengthen the ties with the local environ-
ment, an important conference on free navigation and ports on the Adriatic for the
past three centuries was organized. Among ongoing projects, special attention should
be given to the CRP project on the occasion of anthropologist Branislava Sušnik’s 100th
birthday, within which an exhibition is being prepared at the Slovene Ethnographic Mu-
seum. Members also carry out research and application projects, addressing the prob-
lems of marginalised minority groups (e.g. Roma, national minorities).
We left traces
Members of IIS were coordinated the first cross-border cooperation project, Her-
itage Live and the Living Landscape project later on. The results of the Heritage Live
project were included in the tourist offer of northern Istria, while the Living Land-
scape project contributed significantly to raising awareness among the general pub-
lic about the values and development potentials of the Karst cultural landscape,
helped to establish partnerships for the preservation of the karst drywall and laid
the foundation for a new successful project of innovative heritage tourism, the Myth
Students as researchers
Members of IIS regularly include students in the project research work. In the Liv-
ing Landscape project, students conducted research work on mythical traditions in
Gropada. The Heritage live project explored traditional events in Istria, mainly the
folk celebrations called šagra, from the heritage presentation point of view. Stu-
dents are regularly informed about the ongoing project results in the course of the
study process.
Assoc. Prof. Katja Hrobat Virloget PhD, Head
France and other European countries. To strengthen the ties with the local environ-
ment, an important conference on free navigation and ports on the Adriatic for the
past three centuries was organized. Among ongoing projects, special attention should
be given to the CRP project on the occasion of anthropologist Branislava Sušnik’s 100th
birthday, within which an exhibition is being prepared at the Slovene Ethnographic Mu-
seum. Members also carry out research and application projects, addressing the prob-
lems of marginalised minority groups (e.g. Roma, national minorities).
We left traces
Members of IIS were coordinated the first cross-border cooperation project, Her-
itage Live and the Living Landscape project later on. The results of the Heritage Live
project were included in the tourist offer of northern Istria, while the Living Land-
scape project contributed significantly to raising awareness among the general pub-
lic about the values and development potentials of the Karst cultural landscape,
helped to establish partnerships for the preservation of the karst drywall and laid
the foundation for a new successful project of innovative heritage tourism, the Myth
Students as researchers
Members of IIS regularly include students in the project research work. In the Liv-
ing Landscape project, students conducted research work on mythical traditions in
Gropada. The Heritage live project explored traditional events in Istria, mainly the
folk celebrations called šagra, from the heritage presentation point of view. Stu-
dents are regularly informed about the ongoing project results in the course of the
study process.
Assoc. Prof. Katja Hrobat Virloget PhD, Head