Page 111 - Škrgat, Sabina, ed. 2022. Severe Asthma - Basic and Clinical Views. Koper: University of Primorska Press. Severe Asthma Forum, 1
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re is no clinical trial data available for in- management of these risk factors may con- 111
tervention in asthma. tribute to improved asthma outcome36.
t2-low asthma
Nebulized IFN‐β treatment at the on- Conclusion
set of viral upper respiratory tract infections
shown to improve morning peak flow, in- Lately, the heterogeneity of asthma pheno-
crease in serum CXCR10 and reduced spu- types is recognised and the treatment options
tum CCL4 concentrations which suggest- are tailored according to those differences.
ed this treatment might improve outcomes of T2-low asthma is still less well defined with
URTI induced asthma exacerbations. different subtypes characterized by the low
expression of T2 inflammatory markers and
Imatinib inhibits tyrosine kinase of KIT, normal to low eosinophils.
induces mast cell apoptosis and reduces bone
marrow mast cell burden. It can reduce air- Several treatment options for T2-high
way mast cell burden and improve AHR in asthma have been developed and some of
severe asthma. those treatments like new anti-TSLP mon-
oclonal antibody tezepelumab are effective
5‐lipoxygenase‐activating protein (FLAP) also in T2-low asthma. The results of ongoing
inhibitors can reduce the sputum LTB4 levels trials with sophisticated transcriptomic and
but there are no significant effects on sputum proteomic characterisations of different T2-
neutrophil counts. low asthma patients will provide us tools to
better characterise these patients and choose
Modification of airway dysbiosis: Several the precise therapeutic approaches.
novel approaches beyond antibiotics that may
modify dysbiosis, including phage therapies, References
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