Page 88 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 88
ja Maričić, Nenad Milinković, and Snežana Marinković

class. This is a significant increase in the use of this type of tool compared to
distributing assignments asynchronously. The use of synchronous commu-
nication tools has been conditioned by the need for explanations related to
the assigned tasks that students needed to solve (Barlovits et al. 2021).

One should bear in mind that the choice of media by teachers in online
teaching has been based on different needs, but also on the capabilities of
both teachers and students. The dominance of the Viber group and the plat-
form ‘Moja škola’ in online teaching can be explained by the practical fea-
tures of the platforms as well as the ease of use in terms of sharing informa-
tion and organizing materials for teaching and learning. If we keep in mind
the research results showing that 90 of teachers did not have any, or had
insufficient, knowledge needed for organization and implementation of on-
line mathematics teaching (Maričić and Milinković 2022, 57), then we can say
that teachers have coped well with the time and the system in which they
had to teach mathematics.

Based on the obtained results, we can conclude that a large number of
teachers combined different ways of implementing online teaching, most
likely due to the specific content or common needs of teachers and students.
If we take into account the type of resources used and shared in working
with students, based on the characteristics of the platforms, we can say that
sharing textual content was dominant while communication was most often

Harmonization of the online teaching of mathematics implementation
with the plan determined by the Ministry of Education, Science
and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
During the state of emergency, the Ministry of Education, Science and Tech-
nological Development of the Republic of Serbia prepared an operational
plan for the continuation of the work of schools in difficult conditions, thro-
ugh the realization of educational work at a distance. According to this op-
erational plan, schools were obliged to find alternative ways of teaching,
but also ‘one-way mass broadcasting was organized through TV channels
for primary and secondary school students while teachers were instructed
to conduct distance and online teaching in support of these resources’ (Mi-
hajlović, Vulović, and Maričić 2021, 507). This type of support was supposed to
be a relief for everyone, but the problem for the teachers was to make their
personal operational plans comply with the curriculum contents that were
broadcast to the students. For that reason, we decided to examine the opin-
ions of teachers on the harmonization of their own work plan with the plan

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