Page 84 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 84
ja Maričić, Nenad Milinković, and Snežana Marinković

teractions within the math community in order to create ideas for teaching
and learning. Switching to technology in the form of video lessons or situat-
ing math problems in real-world contexts were instances where stakeholders
communicated with each other (Khirwadkar et al. 2020).

Distance learning in the Republic of Serbia during the state of emergency
was organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological De-
velopment on the national television channels and the Internet portal ‘Moja
škola’ as well as within the school learning management systems owned by
each school; in primary schools, the Google classroom platform was mainly
used. The specificity of mathematics, as a school subject in the younger
grades of primary school, requires greater clarity in teaching and the use
of synchronous forms of communication technologies to enable visualiza-
tion, but also mutual communication among teachers and students. In these
conditions, direct, two-way video interaction was the most adequate re-
placement for math lessons in the classroom, because teachers had real-time
feedback from students, but also students from teachers. In addition, some
synchronous platforms, like Microsoft Teams and Google Classroom enabled
posting materials and various available online resources to support online
learning, which students were able to use after the video conference. On
the other hand, asynchronous models of communication technology did
not enable simultaneous communication. The way these models work in
mathematics teaching is more suitable for practice classes or consolidation
of knowledge.

With the introduction of the state of emergency, teachers were largely left
on their own, so they independently decided on the way that best suited
their and their students’ abilities, but also the specifics of the environment in
which they worked in terms of digital resources. They were put in a position of
providing basic conditions for online education, i.e. to provide direct access
to learning materials for students and create more opportunities for interac-
tion among students and teachers, as well as among students themselves,
and for students to work in groups (Ally 2008; Fakhrunisa and Prabawanto

The focus of our research attention was how teachers in the younger
grades of primary school coped with the changed circumstances and the
ways in which they taught mathematics online.

Research Methodology
The research attention of this paper focused on how the teachers in the
younger grades of primary school coped with the changed circumstances

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