Page 75 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 75
Mobile Learning of Language for Specific Purposes: From Course Design to User Testing

Figure 3.2 Example of an Exercise from e a p within LanGuide Content Management

sion questions in the form of multiple-choice items. Only one answer is
Testing and Evaluating the LanGuide App and the Exercises
After the exercises were entered into the LanGuide Content Management
System by their creators, they became available to users through the Lan-
Guide app. The LanGuide app is a native Android mobile app, consisting
of the login page, the home screen, the settings page, language exercises,
and basic statistics on the achieved results during language learning. These
are shown in Figure 3.3 as a series of screenshots taken directly from the
LanGuide app.

The testing phase was subsequently conducted in such a way that project
members invited students, administrative staff, and teachers from their
respective institutions to test the LanGuide app over a period of at least
one month. After a brief introduction and basic information about the app,
they were provided with detailed instructions on how to install and use the
app for language learning on their mobile devices.

After a one-month trial period, participants were given the opportunity
to evaluate the application and exercises using a comprehensive question-
naire devised by the members of the project consortium. The exercises and
application were then revised depending on the participant feedback, col-
lected in the period from December 20, 2021 to February 1, 2022.

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