Page 79 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 79
Mobile Learning of Language for Specific Purposes: From Course Design to User Testing

The seventh statement was related to the colours and layout of the pages
in the app. Most participants were neutral (38.7), 32.2 agreed, and 6.5
strongly agreed. Though satisfactory, it could be improved.

The last question in the group gave participants the opportunity to leave
comments. In addition to praise for the app, there was also some advice for
further improvements. One of the problems participants noted was that
some exercises were repeated several times, which can be annoying if you
have already solved the exercise correctly. Also, it is not possible to go to
the next exercise until all answers have been entered. Therefore, changes
that solve these problems should be introduced. Some participants also
reported that certain videos, images, and other files do not load properly,
which should be investigated further. In addition, they reported that some
drag and drop exercises had already been solved and they could not solve
some cloze tasks because the keyboard menu obscured the area where the
answer should be entered.

Questions about Participants’ Learning Approach
The next group of questions was devoted to the learning approach of the
participants. The analysis of the answers to the five questions shows that
the majority of the participants (78.1) already had experience in learning
a language in a similar way. It also shows that most of the participants
(96.9) did not have a learning routine when they tested the app, and that
most of them used the app once or twice a week (87.5). Most participants
usually spent 15–30 minutes per day (43.8) or less than 15 minutes per day
(40.6) testing the app, and they tried all three levels of English language

Questions about Participants’ Experiences Learning English with the
LanGuide App
The final section of the questionnaire was devoted to assessing partici-
pants’ experience while learning a particular language with the LanGuide
app. As mentioned earlier, in this chapter we only considered the experi-
ence of learning English. There were 8 questions/statements in this group.
The first question revealed that 43.8 of the participants rated their En-
glish proficiency as advanced and 56.3 rated it as intermediate.

Next, most participants tried the ‘Academic Language’ and ‘i t Language’
modules, while some additionally tried ‘Secretarial Language’ and ‘Mobil-
ity Language.’

The next two questions tested which language modules were most and

   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84