Page 111 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 111
ure 48: Mould-blown glass bottles exhibited at the Budva Museum. Museums and Galleries of Budva, glassmaterialfromtheromannecropolisofbudvainthesocialandeconomiccontextoftheempire 111
Montenegro (photo: Irena Lazar).
Slika 48: V kalup pihane stekleničke razstavljene v Muzeju v Budvi. Muzeji in galerije Budve, Črna gora
(foto: Irena Lazar).

In several examples, apart from the bur- glass use and glass trade in the town and the area
ied stone and glass urns, glass and other objects in the Imperial period (figure/slika 48). These
were also put on the ground of an ossuarium in vessels were part of the grave goods assemblage
a grave plot (nos. IV, V, XLIX; Marković 2012, in the burials of the 1st and 2nd centuries, only a
164, pl. 95–7). It is worth mentioning the group few of them are younger/later and can be dated
of finds in plot No. V (pl. 95: 16–36). It consists also to the 3rd century (Lazar 2016, 25).
of a bronze box divided into five small compart-
ments with lids for medicine drugs, a stone mar- One such large group is a mould-blown
ver, three scalpels, two clasp knives, a knife, three glass and it comprises bulbous bottles or ovular
bronze spatulae and a bronze instrument case. amphorisks with one or two handles (Stern 1995,
We may assume there was a doctor related to the 152), spherical bottles with vertical ribs, minia-
family of Iulia Politta and Octavia Celerina, the ture transport amphorae (id. 157), date-shaped
names of the mother and a daughter we know and almond-shaped bottles, hexagonal juglets,
from a titulus built in a construction of this plot juglets with a flattened hexagonal body, one
(Martinović 2011, 89, no. 71; Lazar 2019a, 81). head flask and one bottle with honey-comb dec-
orated body (or with a stylised grape pattern?).
It is important to single out a few groups These vessels are made of translucent coloured
of glass vessels or some specific forms since they glass of violet, blue, yellow, brown and bluish col-
present the most numerous group of grave goods our; sometimes a second colour is combined on
on the necropolis. We have selected the number handles (figure/slika 49). The latest is also true
of high-quality mould-blown vessels and some of only a few examples of mould-blown vessels
imported forms of the vessels significant for dat- made of colourless glass.
ing of the assemblages to point out the impor-
tance of the Roman necropolis for the study of The most numerous among mould-blown
glasses are bulbous bottles or ovular amphorisks
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