Page 107 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 107
ss Material from the Roman Necropolis of Budva
in the Social and Economic Context of the Empire

Stekleno gradivo z rimske nekropole Budva
v socialnem in ekonomskem kontekstu imperija

Abstract 107
The publication of the Hellenistic and Roman necropolis of Budva gave the scientific public and vari-
ous specialists an opportunity for the detailed study of the material in the wider context of the Roman
Empire. The preliminary study of the glass assemblage in the necropolis has shown that the import of
glass vessels from the eastern Mediterranean is represented through the period from the 1st to the 4th
centuries, while the glass vessels from Italian or western workshops are less numerous and were impor-
ted predominantly during the 1st and 2nd centuries. In a grave ritual of Budva necropolis the glass vessels
were abundantly added as grave goods and several graves comprise only glass as a grave good in a burial.
Keywords: Budua, Adriatic, Roman glass, mould-blown glass, coloured glass, Mediterranean workshops

Objava grobov helenistične in rimske nekropole v Budvi je znansteni javnosti in številnim specialistom
ponudila priložnost za podrobne študije gradiva v širšem kontekstu rimskega imperija. Predhodne raz-
iskave steklenega gradiva rimske nekropole so pokazale, da je gradivo iz vzhodnih sredozemskih delav-
nic zastopano od 1. do 4. stol., medtem ko so izdelki italskih oz. zahodnih delavnic manj številni in so bili
uvažani predvsem tekom 1. in 2. stol. V grobnem ritualu budvanske nekropole opažamo prilaganje ste-
kla v veliki količini in v številnih grobovih so pridani samo stekleni predmeti.
Ključne besede: Budva, Jadran, rimsko steklo, pihanje v kalup, obarvano steklo, sredozemske delavnice

The town of Budua lies on the Roman The publication of the Hellenistic and Ro-
coastal road – via publica Epidaurus– man necropolis of Budva gave the scientific pub-
Scodra (Cavtat–Skadar) and is men- lic and various specialists an opportunity for the
tioned in the Tabula Peutingeriana (Mar- detailed study of the material in the wider con-
tinović 2011, 23). The Roman town was a text of the Mediterranean and the Roman Em-
successor of an important Iron Age and Greek pire (Marković 2012). The preliminary study of
settlement and the variety of glass goods from the glass assemblage in the necropolis has shown
the Mediterranean workshops in the Budva that the import of glass vessels from the eastern
necropolis gives valuable insight into the live- Mediterranean is represented through the peri-
ly trade city on the Adriatic coast (figure/slika od from the 1st to the 4th centuries (Lazar 2016,
46). The town was, nevertheless, included in in- 21), while the glass vessels from Italian or west-
tensive trade with the Mediterranean along the ern workshops are less numerous and were im-
ancient trade routes already from the Hellenis- ported predominantly during the 1st and 2nd cen-
tic period on. turies. Based on the published material it can
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