Page 61 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 61
Coloured Monochrome Glass of the Early Imperial Period
in Romula (Pannonia)

Intenzivno obarvano stekleno posodje iz zgodnje cesarskega obdobja
iz Romule (Panonija)

Izvleček 61
Članek predstavlja pomembno skupino intenzivno obarvanega stekla iz zgodnjeimperialnega obdobja,
ki je bilo v tem obsegu prvič odkrito med raziskavami na najdišču Romula. Celostna obdelava gradiva je
v teku, vendar želimo izpostaviti nekaj preliminarnih rezultatov. Enobarvno stekleno posodje intenziv-
nih barv, značilno za prva desetletja 1. stol., opredeljujejo oglate forme in ostri profili, odlikuje pa ga tudi
izjemno kakovostna izdelava. Med gradivom pa je tudi pomembna skupina t. i. črnega stekla.
Ključne besede: rimsko steklo, izdelava v kalupih, obarvano steklo, neprosojno steklo, črno steklo

The article presents an interesting glass assemblage of early imperial coloured mould-made fine ware di-
scovered in Roman road and custom station Romula, the largest group of coloured glass discovered so
far in Slovenia. The complete study of the material is in progress but we would like to point out prelimi-
nary results. Monochrome translucent coloured fine ware, characteristic for the first quarter of the 1st
century AD, have distinguished angular and carinated profiles and are further characterized by strong
colours and high standards of craftsmanship. There is also a significant group of black-appearing glass
Keywords: Roman glass, mould-made glass, coloured fine ware, opaque glass, black glass

During the 2nd and 1st centuries BC the the old and newly discovered production tech-
Hellenistic states were incorporated niques (Grose 1986, 66; 1989, 242).
into the Roman Empire. As stated by
Grose this furnished the impetus for the cre- But in the years of development and growth,
ation of the Roman Glass industry that flour- the Roman glass-making and glass industry
ished from the Augustan time to the end of the faced several significant and important chang-
Empire (1989, 241). The glass craft developed es in the course of the 1st century BC and AD.
quickly and spread all over the Roman Empire. During the Roman imperial period, glass objects
It became a strong and independent Roman en- were manufactured in secondary glass work-
terprise which achieved maturity within less shops all over the Empire (Stern 1999) by the use
than a century. This was possible on one side be- of imported raw glass. Archaeological findings
cause of the expansion of trade during the ear- identified the Syro-Palestinian coast as the main
ly imperial period, the rapid spread of the glass area for primary glass production (Nenna 2007;
factories and of the knowledge how to make raw Gorin-Rosen 2012).
glass and glass products and the combination of
Free blowing slowly replaced the time-con-
suming moulding techniques, glassware sudden-
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