Page 56 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 56
ena lazar ■ pogled skozi steklo • a look through the glass 56 Figure 24: Drawing of the bowl, glassworking waste and two glass tubes from Celeia (drawing Jerneja Kobe).
Slika 24: Risba polizdelka, steklarskega odpada in steklenih cevk iz Celeje (risba Jerneja Kobe).

tled centre, and near both the roads and the riv- process or even glass-blowing? The unfinished bowl was
er, which then represented important transpor- added to a grave dated to the 3rd or beginning of the 4th
tation routes. century. It is part of a vessel form Isings 96b. The prod-
uct proves that the glass workshops in Celeia were still in
Summary operation in the 3rd and perhaps even at the beginning
of the 4th century. The position of the Celje glass work-
Evidence of glass production in Celeia was first discov- shop should be singled out in the conclusion. In Roman
ered during excavations in 1991–92. The quantity of the towns, all crafts that involved the use of fires and kilns or
glass material was considerable. Raw blue-green glass furnaces were usually located on the outskirts, as far as
predominated and the largest pieces were 2 to 3 cm possible from the residential buildings. The risk of fires
thick. Various waste in the form of drops, threads, chips was reduced in this manner. The glass workers of Celeia
of melted glass and poorly worked vessels shows that also sought their space on the northern edge of town,
glass was melted, tested and worked. The waste of cylin- somewhat away from the densely settled centre, and
drical beakers of decolourised glass prove they were pro- near both the roads and the river, which then represent-
duced in this workshop. Comparative material was ex- ed an important transportation route.
cavated at the site of a tile factory from the 2nd century.
The market of the glass makers from Celeia thus extend- Povzetek
ed all over the municipal territory.
New excavations in 2003–2004 confirmed the exist- Dokazi o steklarski proizvodnji v Celeji so bili prvič
ence of a glass workshop, in particular findings of an un- odkriti med izkopavanji v letih 1991–92. Količina stekle-
finished glass bowl, glass rods and fragments of waste. nega gradiva je bila precejšnja, prevladovali so kosi suro-
Similar glass rods are known from other sites in Slo- vega stekla, največji odlomki so bili debeli med 2 in 3 cm.
venia: Ptuj (Poetovio) and Slovenj Gradec (Colatio). Is it Številni odpadki v obliki kaplj, niti, staljenega stekla in
possible that these glass tubes are part of a glass-making slabo izdelanih posod so dokaz o taljenju, preverjanju vi-
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