Page 15 - Raspberry Pi as a Foundation for Boosting Computer and Technology Literacy
P. 15


            Traditionally, literacy refers to the ability to read and write. In a broad-
            er sense, it can also encompass knowledge or understanding in other
            areas. Among many other important literacies, the following come to
            mind: financial literacy; cultural literacy; and computer and technol-
            ogy literacy. Understanding environmental issues, sustainability, and
            the impact of human activities on the environment can be called ‘en-
            vironmental  literacy’.  Cultural  literacy  refers  to  the  knowledge  and
            understanding of the cultural elements, symbols, traditions, and ref-
            erences that are significant within a particular society or community.
            It involves being familiar with the shared knowledge, values, customs,
            and expressions that shape the identity of a culture. Cultural literacy is
            crucial for fostering understanding, tolerance, and effective communi-
            cation in an increasingly interconnected and diverse world.
              The main purpose of this monograph is to show how Raspberry Pi
            could represent the foundation for boosting computer and technolo-
            gy literacy, i.e. our ability to use, understand, and apply concepts re-
            lated to computers, software, and digital technologies, together with
            the understanding of basic programming and computational thinking.
            We believe this is possible for several reasons. First, Raspberry Pis
            are affordable, which allows schools and individuals to get hands-on
            experience with computing technology without unreasonable invest-
            ments. Second, Raspberry Pi allows for a practical, hands-on approach
            to learning about computers and technology. Students can assemble
            and configure the hardware, explore programming languages, and
            work on various projects, fostering a deeper understanding of how
            computers work. Third, Raspberry Pi encourages the development of
            programming skills from an early age. Practically everyone can learn
            languages such as Python and Scratch to create their own applications
            and projects. Fourth, Raspberry Pi encourages project-based and re-
            search-based learning, whereby users engage in real-world, creative
            projects, in which there is little room for rote learning and regurgi-

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