Page 29 - Raspberry Pi as a Foundation for Boosting Computer and Technology Literacy
P. 29
Other operating systems 2.2
manner. Through its OS, the Raspberry Pi Foundation also provides
easy access to a vast collection of tutorials. An equally important role
is that of the community of learners, educators, and enthusiasts who
contribute by creating and sharing educational content, offering trou-
bleshooting support and who develop new tools and resources. There
is always something for you to learn cost-effectively, as projects range
from AI to robotics to serving, playing, synthesizing and composing
(with SonicPi software, see music.
In the chapter on advanced Raspberry Pi projects, we will become
familiar with operating systems like Volumio, MoOde, piCorePlayer
(pCP), Ropieee and Vitos. These are used for music playback or stream-
ing, either through a popular, albeit expensive, application Roon (see for details) on a rock server (for which Ropieee is
among the best options), or as a standalone Raspberry Pi-based mu-
sic player solution. All are operating systems that do only one thing
– make it possible for you to stream or play music through web-based
interfaces that allow users to control the music player from a web
browser on different devices (phones, tablets, and computers).
If you are using Raspberry Pi Imager v1.8.4 you can choose to install
Ubuntu Desktop 23.10 (64-bit) for Raspberry Pi 4/400/5 models with 4
or more GB RAM. For Raspberry Pi Zero 2W/2/3/4/400 you can install
Ubuntu Server 23.10 (32-bit version). There are also options for install-
ing Apertis or RISC OS PI for many Raspberry Pi models. For media
player OSes RPi recommends LibreELEC (which is a Kodi entertain-
ment distribution), OSMC (a fast and feature-filled open-source media
centre), as well as Volumio and moOde. There are also three emulation
and game operating systems on offer in Raspberry Pi Imager – Ret-
roPie; Recalbox; Lakka – and a number of specific-purpose operating
• For 3D printing: OctoPi, OctoKlipperPi, Mainsail OS, and Simply-
• For home assistants: Homebridge, Home Assistant, Raspberry-
Matic, nymea, Gladys Assistant, and openHAB
• A popular open-source digital signage project called Anthias, Kali
• Freemium and paid-for operating systems: digital signage OS; 3D
printing; Android by Emteria; TLXOS.