Page 29 - Raspberry Pi as a Foundation for Boosting Computer and Technology Literacy
P. 29

Other operating systems  2.2
            manner. Through its OS, the  Raspberry Pi Foundation also provides
            easy access to a vast collection of tutorials. An equally important role
            is that of the community of learners, educators, and enthusiasts who
            contribute by creating and sharing educational content, offering trou-
            bleshooting support and who develop new tools and resources. There
            is always something for you to learn cost-effectively, as projects range
            from AI to robotics to serving, playing, synthesizing and composing
            (with SonicPi software, see  music.
              In the chapter on advanced Raspberry Pi projects, we will become
            familiar with operating systems like Volumio, MoOde, piCorePlayer
            (pCP), Ropieee and Vitos. These are used for music playback or stream-
            ing, either through a popular, albeit expensive, application Roon (see
             for details) on a rock server (for which Ropieee is
            among the best options), or as a standalone Raspberry Pi-based mu-
            sic player solution. All are operating systems that do only one thing
            – make it possible for you to stream or play music through web-based
            interfaces that allow users to control the music player from a web
            browser on different devices (phones, tablets, and computers).
              If you are using Raspberry Pi Imager v1.8.4 you can choose to install
            Ubuntu Desktop 23.10 (64-bit) for Raspberry Pi 4/400/5 models with 4
            or more GB RAM. For Raspberry Pi Zero 2W/2/3/4/400 you can install
            Ubuntu Server 23.10 (32-bit version). There are also options for install-
            ing Apertis or RISC OS PI for many Raspberry Pi models. For media
            player OSes RPi recommends LibreELEC (which is a Kodi entertain-
            ment distribution), OSMC (a fast and feature-filled open-source media
            centre), as well as Volumio and moOde. There are also three emulation
            and game operating systems on offer in Raspberry Pi Imager – Ret-
            roPie; Recalbox; Lakka – and a number of specific-purpose operating
              •  For 3D printing: OctoPi, OctoKlipperPi, Mainsail OS, and Simply-
              •  For home assistants: Homebridge, Home Assistant, Raspberry-
                Matic, nymea, Gladys Assistant, and openHAB
              •  A popular open-source digital signage project called Anthias, Kali
              •  Freemium and paid-for operating systems: digital signage OS; 3D
                printing; Android by Emteria; TLXOS.

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