Page 101 - Petelin, Ana. 2024. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih | Health of the Working-Age and Older Adults. Zbornik prispevkov z recenzijo | Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 101
Table 2: Characteristics of included studies.
First author Study design Aims of the study Findings
DA had a high referral accuracy
To compare the effectiveness, safe- and a reduction in the rate of re-
ty, and the accuracy of DA com- turn visits;
Gallotti et al. Systematic re- pared to the physician-led mod- DA is a safe, less expensive, reliable
(2023) view el of care for the management of triage and management model of
patients with musculoskeletal dis- care that results in higher levels of
orders. satisfaction for patients compared
to the traditional medical model.
Referrals to orthopedics were sub-
Downie et al. Qualitative To evaluate the DA service pre- stantially reduced; the extended
(2019) study senting the first 2 years of data. scope physiotherapists asked for a
GP review in 1% of patients.
Self-referral patients were aware
that their plan benefits included re-
duced cost for self-referral and felt
To identify factors associated with 101
Alshareef et al. Qualitative patients’ decisions to access physi- confident in selecting DA, they also
had negative beliefs about the effec-
(2023) study cal therapy through self-referral or tiveness of pharmacological treat-
ments and surgery, and previously
had positive direct or indirect ex-
periences with physical therapy.
Lower health care utilization (im-
aging procedures, medicament pre-
To synthesize evidence regarding scriptions), lower off-work time; the role of medical screening in physiotherapy
Babatunde Systematic re- outcomes of DA; Regarding outcomes there was not
et al. to describe current models of DA; a large difference between DA or
(2020) view to determine characteristics of the GP-led care;
patients using DA. Patients were younger, slightly
more educated and with better
socio-economic status.
To explore the evidence regard- DA showed less physiotherapy
ing feasibility, costs, safety and pa- treatments, visits to physicians, im-
Piscitelli et al. Systematic re- tient satisfaction in DA compared aging performed and drug con-
(2018) view
to other organizational healthcare sumption, patients were more satis-
models. fied with DA service.
Harvey-Sulli- To explore the impact of DA and
van et al. Systematic re- self-referral pathway on inequali- Self-referral pathways risk widen-
ing inequalities in healthcare use.
(2024) ties in healthcare use.
From the patients’ perspective
To identify, appraise, and synthe- there was no effect on pain, but
size existing literature to assess they described better quality of life
the impact of DA for patients pre-
Cattrysse et al. Systematic re- and functioning.
(2024) view senting with various MSK disor- Providers detected higher treat-
ders with focus on outcomes from ment compliance.
the perspectives of the patient, the There was a reduced waiting time,
provider, and society.
lower health costs.
Findings suggest that physiothera-
To determine whether physiother-
Ho-Henriks- Randomized pists-led care might reduce health-
son et al. controlled apists as primary assessors in pri- care costs, it seems to lead to fewer
mary care are cost-effective alter-
(2022) pragmatic trial physician consultations and radi-
native compared to GP-led care.