Page 102 - Petelin, Ana. 2024. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih | Health of the Working-Age and Older Adults. Zbornik prispevkov z recenzijo | Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 102

First author   Study design  Aims of the study        Findings
                                                              DA is acceptable to all health-
                                                              care professionals and patients, but
                                                              there is necessary to ensure effec-
                Igwesi-Chido-  Qualitative   To understand the experiences of   tive communication among health-
                be et al.  study      patients, GPs, physiotherapist and   care professionals and patients and
                (2021)                clinical commissioners on DA.
                                                              to clarify the scope of physiothera-
                                                              pists. DA can free GPs to focus on
                                                              more complex health conditions.
                                      To evaluate the effects of DA on   Patients with MSK disorders in DA
                Gagnon et al.  Randomized   clinical outcomes in patients with  had better clinical outcomes (low-
                (2020)     controlled trial MSK disorders compared to those  er levels of pain), had fewer return
                                      in the usual care group.  visits to usual care service.
                                      To compare evidence regarding   DA to physical therapy is more
                           Systematic re-  costs and clinical outcomes be-  cost-effective, the results show few-
                Hon et al.  view and me-  tween direct access and physi-  er visits than physician-first ac-
                           ta-analyses  cian-first systems in US civilian   cess and patients described greater
                                      health services.        functional improvement.
          102                         To appraise the evidence of the   DA to physiotherapy seems a
                Demont et al.  Systematic re-  impact of DA in terms of efficacy,
                (2019)     view       health care costs, patients’ satis-  promising model to improve effi-
          zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih | health of working-age and older adults
                                                              ciency of care and reduce costs.
                                      faction and compliance.
               The purpose of this study was to investigate whether physiotherapy profes-
               sion could contribute to decreasing the burden of chronic MSK conditions on
               health care system. Physical therapists are one of the healthcare professionals
               that are most assessed for managing pain and disability related to MSK condi-
               tions (Alsharref et al., 2023).
                    In almost half of EU countries and most of the US patients can use direct
               access to physiotherapy services, which is also known as self-referral direct-
               ly to a first contact practitioner without seeing a GP (Demont et al., 2019; Ba-
               batunde et al., 2020; Ho-Henriksson et al., 2022; Harvey-Sullivan et al., 2024).
               Several studies have suggested positive effects of DA model of care on cost-ef-
               fectiveness, clinical outcomes (e.g. patient’s satisfaction, pain intensity, quali-
               ty of life) and safety. Direct access is less expensive in terms of medication and
               imaging procedures use and due to fewer visits, it reduces waiting and off-work
               time (Piscitelli et al., 2018; Babatunde et al., 2020; Hon et al., 2020; Ho-Hen-
               riksson et al., 2022; Gallotti et al., 2023; Cattrysse et al., 2024). However, Catt-
               rysse et al. (2024) reported that DA did not reduce pain intensity compared to
               Gagnon et al. (2020) who reported a significantly decrease in pain intensity.
               There is evidence that DA contributes to improving clinical outcomes such as
               quality of life, disability and patient satisfaction (Piscitelli et al., 2018; Catrrys-
               se et al., 2024). Furthermore, DA is promising approach to decrease GPs work
               load, since some studies suggest reduced physician consultations (Downie et
               al., 2019), fewer referrals to orthopedics and return visits (Gagnon et al., 2020;
               Gallotti et al., 2023).
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