Page 13 - Petelin, Ana. 2024. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih | Health of the Working-Age and Older Adults. Zbornik prispevkov z recenzijo | Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 13

Use of Fluoride Toothpaste
               Most adults aged 18–74 years (98%) used toothpaste when brushing their teeth.
               Of these, 64% used toothpaste with fluoride, 14% used toothpaste without flu-
               oride and 23% did not know whether their toothpaste contained fluoride (Fig-
               ure 3).

                                                                       I don't know

                    Figure 3: Proportion of adults aged 18–74 years who use fluoride
                    The use of fluoride toothpaste was higher among adults with higher edu-
               cation. Fluoride toothpaste was used by a greater proportion of people with at  oral hygiene and the use of fluoride toothpastes in adults in slovenia in 2019
               least a high school education (70%) than people with a secondary school educa-
               tion (63%) or primary school education or less (56%); the differences in propor-
               tions by education were statistically significant (χ test=12.399, p=0.015).
                    The differences between the proportions according to the use of fluoride-
               containing toothpaste by gender, age and living environment were not statisti-
               cally significant.

                    Use of (Other) Oral Hygiene Aids
               Use of dental floss. We found that 36% of respondents did not use dental floss.
               The proportions of people by frequency of dental floss use, broken down by
               gender, education and living environment, are shown in Table 1.
                    The differences between the proportions by gender were statistically sig-
               nificant (χ  test=29.815, p<0.001). By age, the proportion of those who flossed
               was lowest among adults aged 45 years and older at 60%, lower than among
               younger adults aged 44 years or less, 70% of whom flossed; the differences be-
               tween the two proportions by age were statistically significant (χ  test=30.434,
               p=0.001). The frequency of flossing was higher among people with higher le-
               vels of education (Table 1); the differences between the proportions were sta-
               tistically significantly greater among people with at least higher education
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