Page 64 - Petelin, Ana. 2024. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih | Health of the Working-Age and Older Adults. Zbornik prispevkov z recenzijo | Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 64

The second area wish to address is ‚wellbeing‘, which includes stress man-
               agement, sleep, nutrition and weight maintenance. We found that students
               sleep on average only 7 hours, that 24% have poor or very poor knowledge of
               stress management, that they gain a kilogram of weight every year and that
               48% skip breakfast. Wellbeing can contribute to physical and mental health
               (Chin et al., 2019; Francis et al., 2019), which is why we would like to highlight
               this area in particular.
                    The third area is so called »putting knowledge into practice«. Our data
               analysis shows that there is a positive correlation between perception of knowl-
               edge and putting healthy lifestyles into practice (Table 4). The correlation is on-
               ly evident in a broader content analysis, which shows a lack of self-criticism in
               putting healthy lifestyles into practice. N r. They believe they are very knowl-
               edgeable about the effects of sleep on the body, but sleep 7 hours or less. They
               say they are not very familiar with ways to manage stress, but at the same time
          64   are very confident that their lifestyle is healthy.

          zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih | health of working-age and older adults
               In conclusion, the results of the survey show that awareness and motivation for
               a healthy lifestyle need to be increased among early childhood education stu-
               dents. Faculties should play an active role in promoting healthy lifestyle hab-
               its, as future educators influence children, and thus society as a whole, through
               their example. By better understanding and implementing healthy lifestyles,
               students will be better prepared for the physical and mental challenges of their
               profession and will be able to provide better quality education to preschool

               In formulating the research problem and the questionnaire, we received a lot
               of support and encouragement from the NOO ULTRA 5.02 project Improving
               the digital skills and competences of (future) teachers for high-quality peda-
               gogical work with young children.

               CHIN, M. K., ANDERSON, E., DE RIDDER, J. H., UVINHA, R. R. and
                    DURSTINE, J. L., 2019. BRICS to BRICSCESS–A perspective for practi-
                    cal action in the promotion of healthy lifestyles to improve public health
                    in five countries. Journal of Sport and Health Science, vol. 8, pp. 520.
                    Available from:
               CUMMING, T., WONG, S. and LOGAN, H., 2021. Early childhood educators’
                    well-being, work environments and ‘quality’: Possibilities for changing
                    policy and practice. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, vol. 46, no.
                    1, pp. 50-65. Available from:
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