Page 140 - Changing Living Spaces
P. 140
Taro Takemoto
Table 3 Timber and Firewood Collected from the 36-hamlet CIL
Villages mainly utilizing the 36-hamlet CIL (Iino, Minamoto, Hyakuta, Zaikezuka, and Nishino)
High use Low use Non-use Total
frequency frequency
Number of households 200 600 836 1.636
Average number of people 2 1
entrering /household
Average days of entrance /person 100 40
With horse /person-day 10.000 4.000 14.000
Without horse /person-day 30.000 20.000 50.000
Total /person-day 40.000 24.000 64.000
Quantity of collecting with horse / 40 40
Quantity of collecting without 15 15
horse /kan/day
Total quantity of collecting with 400.000 160.000 560.000
horse /kan
Total quantity of collecting 450.000 300.000 750.000
without horse /kan
Total quantity of collecting /kan 850.000 460.000 ########
Total quantity of collecting /tana 1.700 920 2.620
Residue /tana 170 92 262
Sum total of quantity of collecting 1.870 1.012 2.882
Villages utilizing the 36-hamlet CIL and other places (Asahi, Tatsuoka, Ookusa, and Ashiyasu)
Ashiyasu Other three
Number of households 159 863
Firewood consumption per 4 3
household /tana
Total firewood consumption /tana 636 2.589
Utilization rate of the 36-hamlet 0,2 0,1
Total consumption of firewood 127 259 386
from the 36-hamlet CIL /tana
Sum total /tana 3.268
Source Yamanashi prefecture (1903c, 69–71).
The first group consisted of 200 households that used CIL frequently,
600 households that used it infrequently, and 836 households that did not
use it, for a total of 1,636 households. In the case of the households that
used the mountain area frequently, an average of two people per house-
hold entered the mountain area, and each person entered the mountain
area about 100 days per year, resulting in 4,000 person-days. Of these,
1,000 person-days were with horses and 3,000 person-days were with-