Page 246 - Changing Living Spaces
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Quantification method used to determine monthly averages of weather points
and two sets of sample data for four months from May to August in 1788
and 1789
Monthly weather index averages were calculated from the diaries’ de-
scriptive records on rainy, cloudy, and sunny days from May to August.
Figure 7 shows a comparison between a good harvest year in 1798 and a
drought year in 1799. A traditional lunar calendar was adjusted to a solar
calendar. A larger index indicated a rainier month, because the descrip-
tive records counted extreme/heavy rain as 2.5 points, rain as 2 points,
light rain as 1.5 points, cloud as 1 point, and clear weather as 0 points.
This calculation, including original Japanese descriptions and English
translations, is demonstrated in the following two tables.
Source: ASU Ueda-Yoshiuzu-Nikki.
Table A1 Weather index from May to August in 1798
Date, Lunar Weather Wind and oth- Weather Monthly aver-
1798 calendar ers point age of weather
5.1 3.16 三月十六日 晴天(風向きな fine weather 0 0,5893
5.2 3.17 三月十七日 晴天 北風 fine weather north wind 0