Page 273 - Changing Living Spaces
P. 273

The Neverlake: Water and Land Management in a Dry and Soilless Place

            Table 1  Largest Owners of Arable Land in the Area of the Drained Lake (1822)
            Landowner                            Number of plots   Surface area (ha)
            Coronini Michele (Dominion of Štanjel)         5                1.1
            Beneul Jožef                                   1                0.9
            Brusatti Gio. Battista                         4                0.8
            Švagelj Ivan                                   3                0.5
            Švagelj Jožef                                  2                0.4
            Jerič Anton                                    1                0.3
            Beber Marjeta                                  2                0.3
            Jakomin Frančišek                              1                0.3
            Source  ASts, CF, Elaborati, S. Daniele (Štanjel), 659/2, Protocollo proprietary.

            Table 2  Intended Purpose of Lands in the Area of the Drained Lake (1822)
            Intended purpose of land       Number of plots Surface area (ha)  Surface area %
            Field with grapevines                    18         4.6        60.5
            Field                                    15         1.9        25.0
            Meadow                                   8          0.9        11.9
            Pasture                                  1          0.1         1.3
            Coppice                                  1          0.1         1.3
            Total                                    43         7.6       100.0
            Source  ASts, CF, Elaborati, S. Daniele (Štanjel), 659/2, Protocollo particelle fondi.

            structure, which served drainage purposes (minus the area of the two ca-
            nals where they incised higher into the two gullies), covered just under
            0.5 ha of land. Based on this calculation, the newly acquired agricultur-
            al lands covered a size of 7.6 ha (a rough estimate based on the situation
            at the beginning of the nineteenth century). The above values show that
            – given the karst conditions – it was a large floodplain (the old lake), that
            the infrastructure they built, including water areas, was quite extensive,
            and that the newly acquired area of cultivable land was quite large. This
            explains why, at the time of the Franciscean Cadastre, the locals called
            this area ‘Polje’ (‘Field’), as shown by the place names ‘Nad poljem’ (‘Above
            the Field’) and ‘Potok na polju’ (‘Stream in the Field’) for the upper canal.
               The list of plot owners provides us with information that complements
            our understanding of the drainage process. Namely, the then owner of
            the manor of Štanjel is mentioned as the owner of six plots of land. It is
            not very likely that the lord of the manor bought or sold parcels of his
            own manor;1 therefore, we can assume that the situation from the early

            1  Except, e.g., if a peasant repaid tax debts, in which case they would prefer to find
               another buyer and receive money instead.

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