Page 288 - Changing Living Spaces
P. 288
Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za humanistične študije
University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities
This book discusses the develop-
mental phases from agricultural to
industrialized and finally to post-in-
dustrial low-carbon societies in the
cases of Eurasian economies, which
have followed different developmen-
tal pathways towards modernity from
early modern times to the present,
although with the dominant presence
of small landholder structures.
Based on the different economics of
environment, we explored changing
Living Spaces: Where have florae,
faunae, and humans lived in the past?
Where do they live today? Where will
they live in the future?
The book presents the concept of
Living Spaces and applies a compara-
tive approach to the ecological foun-
dations of local case studies on rural
areas. Local natural resource use,
economic systems, and pathways to
modernization allowed us to identify
traditional economic and environ-
mental management solutions that
can serve as models for future rural
development policy.
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University of Primorska Press
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