Page 283 - Changing Living Spaces
P. 283

The Neverlake: Water and Land Management in a Dry and Soilless Place

            catchment area of the torrents flowing into the ‘Lake’, leaving more sed-
            iment at the bottom of the doline mentioned above. Since the erosional
            processes in the drainage basin of the torrents were much faster than the
            eluvium-forming processes on the carbonate bedrock, the eluvium cov-
            er was completely removed and rainwater was able to flow freely into the
            underground. As a result, surface runoff decreased significantly and wa-
            ter did not flow into the doline as often as before. Under this scenario, it
            would have become increasingly difficult to contain the torrential water
            in phase one, and there would not have been enough water in phase two
            to make the system functional. Therefore, it was partially abandoned.
               Both possible explanations remain unproven hypotheses for the
            time being. It should be added, however, that the two are not mutually

                  Our special thanks go to Jožef Švagelj and Božidar Premrl for their co-
                  operation and assistance.
                    This research was carried out as part of the University of Primorska
                  internal programme group ŽIVS – Living Spaces of Slovenia: past – pre-
                  sent – future at the Faculty of Humanities, Institute for Intercultural

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                     − ASts, CF: Archivio di Stato di Trieste, Catasto Fransceschino.
                     − StLA, IÖHKS: Steiermärkisches Landesarchiv, Sachabteilung der
                    Innerösterreichischen Hofkammer.

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