Page 69 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 69
Slika 22. Železna fibula iz groba številka 4.
Figure 22. Iron fibula from grave number 4.
6, ter skleda in dva masivna bronasta obroča lečastega Iron fragments that can be attributed to the remains
preseka, kot jih poznamo iz groba 7 (Beňadik 1957, 62– of one or two collars are among the unique discov-
64, Taf. 24, 1, 2, 14, 15, 17). eries in the grave. Two iron rods ending with a slight-
Narebrene votle nanožnice, izdelane iz bronaste plo- ly flattened bulge can be described as the remains of
čevine predstavljajo eno izmed poglavitnih značilnos- the first collar (Figure 21). It can be assumed that these
ti ženskih pokopov obdobja Lt B (Slika 20). Primeri z are the remains of collars made of iron due to their
ožjimi kanelurami ter ožjimi grebeni, podobni nanož- size and shape as well as their position on the chest
nicam, odkritih v grobu 4, so bili v tipologiji J. Bujne of the deceased. The fragment of an iron tube deco-
združeni v skupino C3, datirano v pozno obdobje Lt rated with oblique and transverse incisions and dou-
B2. Na Slovaškem so bile podobne odkrite v grobu 8 ble-impressed circles with a dot in the center can be at-
v Kamenínu, v grobovih 192 in 335 v Malé Kosihy, gro- tributed to the same or another collar (Figure 21). It is a
bu 1/58 v Sv. Michalu, grobu 1/54 v Šahy, grobu 233a v decoration typical of the Early La Tène period and a
Trnovec nad Váhom ter grobu 9A iz Dubnika (Bujna decoration characteristic of mainly bracelets. For ex-
2005, 29–36, Obr. 16, Obr. 19, Tab. 17). Na Madžarskem ample, bracelets decorated with impressed circles with
so bili pari podobnih nanožnic odkriti v grobovih šte- a dot in the center were found among the smooth,
vilka 2, 26 in 51 v grobišču Rezi, kjer jih je Laszlo Hor- hollow ones from grave number 24 in Bučany ceme-
váth datiral v Lt C1 (Horváth 1979; 1997, 89), pri čemer tery (Bujna, Romsauer 1983, 312, Taf. VIII, 1a, 4a) and
se je v grobu 26 nahajal tudi votli dvodelni predrti žele- a number of ones from Mannersdorf (graves 8, 10, 13,
zni obroč (Horváth 1987, 161, Pl. 22, 11, 13, 15). Podobne 22, 114, 115, 116, 153, 165). In their presentation, P. Ramsl
nanožnice so bile odkrite v grobu 14 na grobišču Ma- emphasized their concentration and their extremely
gyarszerdahely-Homoki dűlő (Horváth 1987, 151, Pl. rare occurrence in the area between Switzerland and
12, 2, 3), ena pa je znana tudi z grobišča Kosd (Hunyady Hungary (Ramsl 2011, 113), which can probably be at-
tributed to the poor state of preservation of thin-cor-
Figure 22. Iron fibula from grave number 4.
6, ter skleda in dva masivna bronasta obroča lečastega Iron fragments that can be attributed to the remains
preseka, kot jih poznamo iz groba 7 (Beňadik 1957, 62– of one or two collars are among the unique discov-
64, Taf. 24, 1, 2, 14, 15, 17). eries in the grave. Two iron rods ending with a slight-
Narebrene votle nanožnice, izdelane iz bronaste plo- ly flattened bulge can be described as the remains of
čevine predstavljajo eno izmed poglavitnih značilnos- the first collar (Figure 21). It can be assumed that these
ti ženskih pokopov obdobja Lt B (Slika 20). Primeri z are the remains of collars made of iron due to their
ožjimi kanelurami ter ožjimi grebeni, podobni nanož- size and shape as well as their position on the chest
nicam, odkritih v grobu 4, so bili v tipologiji J. Bujne of the deceased. The fragment of an iron tube deco-
združeni v skupino C3, datirano v pozno obdobje Lt rated with oblique and transverse incisions and dou-
B2. Na Slovaškem so bile podobne odkrite v grobu 8 ble-impressed circles with a dot in the center can be at-
v Kamenínu, v grobovih 192 in 335 v Malé Kosihy, gro- tributed to the same or another collar (Figure 21). It is a
bu 1/58 v Sv. Michalu, grobu 1/54 v Šahy, grobu 233a v decoration typical of the Early La Tène period and a
Trnovec nad Váhom ter grobu 9A iz Dubnika (Bujna decoration characteristic of mainly bracelets. For ex-
2005, 29–36, Obr. 16, Obr. 19, Tab. 17). Na Madžarskem ample, bracelets decorated with impressed circles with
so bili pari podobnih nanožnic odkriti v grobovih šte- a dot in the center were found among the smooth,
vilka 2, 26 in 51 v grobišču Rezi, kjer jih je Laszlo Hor- hollow ones from grave number 24 in Bučany ceme-
váth datiral v Lt C1 (Horváth 1979; 1997, 89), pri čemer tery (Bujna, Romsauer 1983, 312, Taf. VIII, 1a, 4a) and
se je v grobu 26 nahajal tudi votli dvodelni predrti žele- a number of ones from Mannersdorf (graves 8, 10, 13,
zni obroč (Horváth 1987, 161, Pl. 22, 11, 13, 15). Podobne 22, 114, 115, 116, 153, 165). In their presentation, P. Ramsl
nanožnice so bile odkrite v grobu 14 na grobišču Ma- emphasized their concentration and their extremely
gyarszerdahely-Homoki dűlő (Horváth 1987, 151, Pl. rare occurrence in the area between Switzerland and
12, 2, 3), ena pa je znana tudi z grobišča Kosd (Hunyady Hungary (Ramsl 2011, 113), which can probably be at-
tributed to the poor state of preservation of thin-cor-