Page 62 - Poštuvan, Vita (ur.). 2020. Znanja, spretnosti in kompetence na področju duševnega zdravja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 62
a Roškar in Alenka Tančič Grum
tion studies show that binge drinking among youth is rising and gender gap
is diminishing. Effective alcohol policy is a set of effective measures (e.g.
drink-driving countermeasures, regulating physical availability, pricing and
taxation, restrictions on marketing, early intervention and treatment). One
of the main pillars of effective alcohol policy are also promotion and preven-
tion programmes; the most effective are those that inform appropriately,
include normative approaches, strengthen protective factors and unite par-
ents, school and society to build responsible attitudes towards alcohol. Haz-
ardous and harmful alcohol drinking are frequently unrecognized by pro-
fessionals (also by psychologists), while numerous Slovene preventive pro-
grammes lack proper evaluation. Psychologists working in health care, edu-
cation, social care and other working environments encounter people with
various alcohol issues. Psychologists need to recognize their role in promot-
ing healthy lifestyle and preventing hazardous and harmful drinking but in
order to be more effective they need adequate knowledge and various com-

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