Page 89 - Poštuvan, Vita (ur.). 2020. Znanja, spretnosti in kompetence na področju duševnega zdravja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 89
Psihološka pomoč po kriznih dogodkih

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Psychological Assistance after Crisis

Crisis event at least for a short time more or less shakes the balance of the
person, his sense of safety and trust. The traumatic experience can affect
the individual to such an extent that it »colores« any other experience, de-
termines the present experience and the expectations of the future. After a
crisis event we are faced with a variety of mental, physical and social conse-
quences. A response to a crisis event depends on a type and circumstances
of an incident, the intensity and duration of an event, characteristics of an
individual who experienced the event, a support that the individual received
after the incident. Various crisis events »call« for different forms of support
and help. In case of traumatic events it is necessary to first of all help re-
store a sense of safety, which is at least shaken after the traumatic event.
People who experience a traumatic event need information about the pro-
cess of response to the traumatic experience and about the consequences. It
is important to help them calm down, to support them in connecting with

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