Page 134 - Hrobat Virloget, Katja, et al., eds. (2015). Stone narratives: heritage, mobility, performance. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 134
stone narratives
construction as a children’s game, mosaic as a tool for the activation of citizens and institu-
tions in the creation of the environment. The paper goes on to describe the role of mosaics
in personal development, meditation and stress management. It is evident in all the afore-
mentioned functions that every design and construction of a mosaic leads to a particular
state of consciousness, which occurs on the individual and group level. This state is seen as
a combination of calmness and concentration, i.e. mindfulness.
Keywords: mosaic, creativity, state of consciousness.

»Wanna walk under the Rock?«: Land art, time, and tourist

Irena Weber
The chapter deals with a particular biography of a granite rock, conceptually designed in
1969 and realised as an art project in 2012 at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
(LACMA). Installed as a public sculpture, the Levitated Mass by Michael Heizer is consid-
ered within the tradition of American Land Art of the 60s and 70s, which designated icon-
ic desert landscapes as sites of art interventions while retaining the ambivalent relation-
ship with museums of large cities. The complex challenges of transporting the 340-ton rock
from the quarry to the museum has been presented and contextualized in the film docu-
mentary Levitated Mass which serves as an aid to analyse both the nature of the work of
art and the public response to it. Based on field observation of tourists interacting with the
rock sculpture, the article looks at the practice of contemporary tourist photography, the
manifold ways of flanerie, as well as the multi-layered temporal dimension of artwork, from
geological time to the kairic potential of cultural tourism.
Key words: granite rock, Land art, Michael Heizer, LACMA, public sculpture, time, cul-
tural tourism

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