Page 64 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2015
P. 64
vals has a finite amount of points (optimally only from ideal. Popular suppliers like Z-wave, Zigbee, Insteon
one). All such points are best approximations of users tend to implement their own closed-source communication
preferred values. protocol instead of adopting existing protocols. Many times
the systems are not compatible and upgrades are regularly
At first we assume that our functions derived from user pref- needed as the protocols and devices change. Besides the lack
erences are normally distributed. Each user will have two of standardization the current solutions that implement self
additional values: control do not adapt to users automatically. Most systems
are require the user to manually configure the system, which
1. The middle value of the function will be the probability cuts out a huge market of non tech savvy people. We see
of output value most suited for the user. personalization of intelligent systems to be a future mar-
ket especially solving growing problems such as the rapidly
2. Standard deviation of the given function will tell us growing amount of old population in need of care. Person-
how much the user is willing to adapt. alizing objects can also be the future for businesses offering
users services or public buildings.
If we implement our algorithm on a family of such functions
then each function will only have one interval where the 8. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
values of the function are grater then the given value. In
such a case the finite intersection of the intervals will also Part of the project is financed by the European Union, specif-
be an interval. Because the intersection can be ether empty ically from the European social fund. The project is carried
of an interval the algorithm will stop when we only have out under the Operational program for the development of
one point in the intersection. This point will represent the human resources for the period 2007-2013, 1st development
”sweet spot of balance” for all users. priority ”Business promotion, adaptation, and priority poli-
cies” 1.3. ”Fellowship scheme”, within the project ”On a
6.1 Algorithm creative path to practical knowledge”.


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