Page 9 - Rezoničnik, Lidija, in Marcello Potocco, ur., 2016. Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah ▪︎ Social and political processes in modern slavic cultures, languages and literatures. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 9
Organizatorji 7
Študentska sekcija Slavističnega društva Slovenije
Student Section of Slavic Society Slovenia
Dr. Lidija Rezoničnik je na Oddelku za slavistiko Filozofske fakultete
Univerze v Ljubljani doktorirala septembra 2014 z disertacijo Polj
ski in slovenski literarni kanon obdobja modernizma v filmski adaptaci
ji. Na Filozofski fakulteti je zaključila tudi študij germanistike, trenut
no pa je vpisana še na zaporedni študij slovenistike in primerjalne
književnosti. Ukvarja se z modernizmom v poljski in slovenski lite
raturi, sodobno poljsko kratko prozo ter interdisciplinarnim po
vezovanjem literature in filma v okviru filmskih adaptacij. Rezultate
svojih raziskav je predstavila na konferencah v Salzburgu, Budimpeš
ti, Baslu in Ljubljani.
Lidija Rezoničnik concluded in September 2014 her PhD at the De
partment of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the Faculty of Arts,
University in Ljubljana with the dissertation The Polish and Sloveni
an Literary Canon from the Period of Modernism as Film Adaptation.
She also concluded the MA study of German language and litera
ture and currently studies Slovenian language and Comparative Lit
erature at the same University. In her researches, she mainly deals
with Modernism in Polish and Slovenian literature, contemporary
Polish short story and interdisciplinary relations between litera
ture and film (film adaptations). She presented the results of her
research at conferences for Slavists in Salzburg, Budapest, Basel
and Ljubljana.
Študentska sekcija Slavističnega društva Slovenije
Student Section of Slavic Society Slovenia
Dr. Lidija Rezoničnik je na Oddelku za slavistiko Filozofske fakultete
Univerze v Ljubljani doktorirala septembra 2014 z disertacijo Polj
ski in slovenski literarni kanon obdobja modernizma v filmski adaptaci
ji. Na Filozofski fakulteti je zaključila tudi študij germanistike, trenut
no pa je vpisana še na zaporedni študij slovenistike in primerjalne
književnosti. Ukvarja se z modernizmom v poljski in slovenski lite
raturi, sodobno poljsko kratko prozo ter interdisciplinarnim po
vezovanjem literature in filma v okviru filmskih adaptacij. Rezultate
svojih raziskav je predstavila na konferencah v Salzburgu, Budimpeš
ti, Baslu in Ljubljani.
Lidija Rezoničnik concluded in September 2014 her PhD at the De
partment of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the Faculty of Arts,
University in Ljubljana with the dissertation The Polish and Sloveni
an Literary Canon from the Period of Modernism as Film Adaptation.
She also concluded the MA study of German language and litera
ture and currently studies Slovenian language and Comparative Lit
erature at the same University. In her researches, she mainly deals
with Modernism in Polish and Slovenian literature, contemporary
Polish short story and interdisciplinary relations between litera
ture and film (film adaptations). She presented the results of her
research at conferences for Slavists in Salzburg, Budapest, Basel
and Ljubljana.