Page 240 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2017. Glasbene migracije: stičišče evropske glasbene raznolikosti - Musical Migrations: Crossroads of European Musical Diversity. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 1
P. 240
glasbene migracije: stičišče evropske glasbene raznolikosti

everyone in that network [...] These human hubs not only con-
nect horizontally a wide variety of spaces across countries of ori-
gin, settlement and beyond, they also link individuals vertically
across a range of artistic, institutional and professional contexts
[all emphasis by K.T.].”(p. 4)
Finally, as Kiwan and Meinhof conclude:
8. “By focusing on the professional activities and life narratives of
key individual musicians (...) [the] work on music and migration
allows to avoid the dangers of ‘methodological nationalism’”.41 (p.
Understanding all these methodological propositions as a fertile base
for further re-examinations of musical flows’ intersections that shaped the
multilayered, complex physiognomy of European music(s) in the second
half of the 19th, and at the turn of the 20th century, for this moment I would
venture to conclude that Davorin Jenko’s life path and achievements might
serve as one of the most obvious models for and examples of the metaphor
of human hubs. The full range of his importance as one of the most signif-
icant figures of his time have been confirmed through the numerous facts
and micro stories that I have tried to present in this article.


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41 A term coined by A. Wimmer and N. Glick Schiller to refer to a tendency within the
social and human sciences to adopt a container model of society defined primarily as
a national society. See Andreas Wimmer, Nina Glick Schiller, “Methodological nati-
onalism, the social sciences, and a study of migration: An essay in historical episte-
mology,” The International Migration Review, 37/ 3: 576–610.

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