Page 48 - Rižnar, Igor, and Klemen Kavčič (ed.). 2017. Connecting Higher Education Institutions with Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Koper: University of Primorska Press
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Aleksander Janeš, Roberto Biloslavo, and Armand Faganel
Koos, S. 2011. ‘Varieties of Environmental Labelling, Market Struc-
tures, and Sustainable Consumption across Europe: A Compara-
tive Analysis of Organizational and Market Supply Determinants
of Environmental-Labelled Goods.’ Journal of Consumer Policy 34
(1): 127–51.
Kvale, S. 2007. Doing Interviews. Los Angeles, c a: Sage.
Mai, N., S. G. Bogason, S. Arason, S. V. Árnason, and T. G. Matthías-
son. 2010. ‘Benefits of Traceability in Fish Supply Chains: Case
Studies.’ British Food Journal 112 (9): 976–1002.
Martinho, F., H. N. Cabral, U. M. Azeiteiro, and M. A. Pardal. 2012. ‘Es-
tuarine Nurseries for Marine Fish.’ Management of Environmental
Quality 23 (4): 414–33.
Mihalič, T., G. Sedmak, S. Planinc, and J. Bogataj. 2014. ‘Visitor Struc-
ture as a Basis for Destination Repositioning: The Case of a North
Mediterranean Destination.’ Annales, Series Historia et Sociologia
24 (1): 53–66.
Nemec Rudež, H., G. Sedmak, K. Vodeb, and Š. Bojnec. 2014. ‘Di-
verzifikacija morskega ribištva v turistično dejavnost na sloven-
ski obali.’ Annales, Series Historia et Sociologia 24 (1): 35–52.
Osterwalder, A., Y. Pigneur, and T. Clark. 2010. Business Model Gener-
ation: A Handbook for Visionaries Gamechangers, and Challangers.
Hoboken, nj: Wiley.
Peças, P., and E. Henriques. 2006. ‘Best Practices of Collaboration be-
tween University and Industrial s m e s.’ Benchmarking 13 (1–2):
Pieniak, Z., W. Verbeke, J. Scholderer, K. Brunsø, and S. O. Olsen.
2008. ‘Impact of Consumers’ Health Beliefs, Health Involvement
and Risk Perception on Fish Consumption.’ British Food Journal
110 (9): 898–915.
Pigorini, P., V. Couto, A. Fleichmanin, and C. Gondim. 2009. ‘Reshap-
ing Your Booz and Company.’
Schlag, A. K. and K. Ystgaard. 2013. ‘Europeans and Aquaculture: Per-
ceived Differences between Wild and Farmed Fish.’ British Food
Journal 115 (2): 209–22.
Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries. 2014. The
Economic Performance Report on the e u Aquaculture sector. Luxem-
bourg, Publications Office of the European Union.
Segarra-Blasco, A., and J.-M. Arauzo-Carod. 2008. ‘Sources of Innova-
tion and Industry-University Interaction: Evidence from Spanish
Firms.’ Research Policy 37 (8): 1283–95.
Koos, S. 2011. ‘Varieties of Environmental Labelling, Market Struc-
tures, and Sustainable Consumption across Europe: A Compara-
tive Analysis of Organizational and Market Supply Determinants
of Environmental-Labelled Goods.’ Journal of Consumer Policy 34
(1): 127–51.
Kvale, S. 2007. Doing Interviews. Los Angeles, c a: Sage.
Mai, N., S. G. Bogason, S. Arason, S. V. Árnason, and T. G. Matthías-
son. 2010. ‘Benefits of Traceability in Fish Supply Chains: Case
Studies.’ British Food Journal 112 (9): 976–1002.
Martinho, F., H. N. Cabral, U. M. Azeiteiro, and M. A. Pardal. 2012. ‘Es-
tuarine Nurseries for Marine Fish.’ Management of Environmental
Quality 23 (4): 414–33.
Mihalič, T., G. Sedmak, S. Planinc, and J. Bogataj. 2014. ‘Visitor Struc-
ture as a Basis for Destination Repositioning: The Case of a North
Mediterranean Destination.’ Annales, Series Historia et Sociologia
24 (1): 53–66.
Nemec Rudež, H., G. Sedmak, K. Vodeb, and Š. Bojnec. 2014. ‘Di-
verzifikacija morskega ribištva v turistično dejavnost na sloven-
ski obali.’ Annales, Series Historia et Sociologia 24 (1): 35–52.
Osterwalder, A., Y. Pigneur, and T. Clark. 2010. Business Model Gener-
ation: A Handbook for Visionaries Gamechangers, and Challangers.
Hoboken, nj: Wiley.
Peças, P., and E. Henriques. 2006. ‘Best Practices of Collaboration be-
tween University and Industrial s m e s.’ Benchmarking 13 (1–2):
Pieniak, Z., W. Verbeke, J. Scholderer, K. Brunsø, and S. O. Olsen.
2008. ‘Impact of Consumers’ Health Beliefs, Health Involvement
and Risk Perception on Fish Consumption.’ British Food Journal
110 (9): 898–915.
Pigorini, P., V. Couto, A. Fleichmanin, and C. Gondim. 2009. ‘Reshap-
ing Your Booz and Company.’
Schlag, A. K. and K. Ystgaard. 2013. ‘Europeans and Aquaculture: Per-
ceived Differences between Wild and Farmed Fish.’ British Food
Journal 115 (2): 209–22.
Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries. 2014. The
Economic Performance Report on the e u Aquaculture sector. Luxem-
bourg, Publications Office of the European Union.
Segarra-Blasco, A., and J.-M. Arauzo-Carod. 2008. ‘Sources of Innova-
tion and Industry-University Interaction: Evidence from Spanish
Firms.’ Research Policy 37 (8): 1283–95.