Page 277 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 277
Summary of findings and discussion

tially rejected is the hypothesis about company growth. The relationship
between the eco-innovation construct and company growth is significant
and direct (as predicted in hypothesis 6a), but it is negative rather than
positive and thus does not support the hypothesis.

Table 91: Summary of hypotheses-related findings (structural equation modeling)

Hypotheses Product EI Results – main findings EI construct
with description Process EI Organizational EI

There is a posi- Supported. Supported. Supported. 277
tive and signifi-
cant relationship
between the com-
H1a mand-and-con- Supported.
trol instrument
and companies’ im-
plementation of

There is a posi-

tive and signifi-

cant relationship
between the eco-
H1b nomic incen- Supported. Supported. Supported. Supported.
tive instrument
and companies’ im-

plementation of


There is a positive Supported. Supported. Supported.
and significant re-
lationship between
H2 customer demand Supported.
and companies’ im-
plementation of

There is a posi- Supported. Supported. Supported.
tive and signifi-
cant relationship
between mana-
H3 gerial environ- Supported.
mental concern
and companies’ im-
plementation of
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