Page 140 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 140
challenges of tourism development in protected areas of croatia and sloveniaAmenityLocationDescriptionAccessibilityNatural-Of interest because …Fig.
ness A building that is of interest in Fig. 7
Tab. 1 Summary of naturalness and accessibility of selected amenities in the eastern part terms of the history of the area and Fig. 12
of the Kraški rob (continued)The Istrian House ZazidTraditional Is-Potentially ac- life in the past generally. It is the Fig. 4
trian house with cessible; oldest house in the village, a for-
138 well-preserved ar- located on pri- mer school, and an interesting ex-
chitectural ele- vate proper- ample of local architecture.
ments. ty but can be Man-
seen from the made. A train route and means of trans-
outside while portation for tourists, hikers, and
walking on the cyclists.
(public) munic- There is an overgrown water
ipal road. source that once supplied locals
with drinking water. The second
The Prešnica–Pula Zazid The railroad Accessible; Man- spring lies below the railway line.
railway line tracks used to be by (public) mu- made. Along the path, an alternation of
an important ele- nicipal road. flysch and limestone can be ob-
ment in local life served. From the top of Lipnik one
as they connect- can see distant Koper, Trieste, and
ed the area with the Šavrini Hills.
other parts of the
country. Today
this connection is
less important.

Landscape—path Zazid The path to Lip- Accessible; Natural
and view from nik leads past two by (public) with ele-
Lipnik water sources, the marked moun- ments of
flysch and lime- tain trail. human in-
stone rock base, fluence.
and through a for-
est to a karst pla-
teau with dry
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