Page 141 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 141
nature-based tourism in the eastern part of kr aški rob ...AmenityLocationDescriptionAccessibilityNatural-Of interest because …Fig.
ness This house is used by villagers for Fig. 8
Tab. 1 Summary of naturalness and accessibility of selected amenities in the eastern partmeetings, and it is suitable for pre-
of the Kraški rob (continued)The Prkič House PodpečThe Prkič HouseAccessible;Man-senting local history. Fig. 5
was a stonecut- located in a made. Built in the 11th century, it is 17 m Fig. 9
139 ting workshop of public (cultural high and has 1.5 m thick walls. It
masters Andrey heritage) area was built by the Istrian Count Ul-
and Benko from with a pub- rich Weimarski. Below it there is a
Sočerga, built in lic path leading natural karst cave that served as a
1547. to it. hiding place for the locals in times
of unrest.
Defence tower Podpeč The defence tow- Accessible; Man- An interesting amenity from a cul-
with a view er is part of vil- located in a made. tural and art-history point of view.
lage history. It is public area
in a remarkable with a pub-
location high on lic path leading
a steep slope, al- to it.
lowing an unob-
structed view of
the wider area.

Church with buri- Podpeč Church of St. Accessible; Man-
al ground Helene was built located in a made.
in 1489 and is public area
known for its fres- with a pub-
coes and stone lic path leading
carvings. to it.
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