Page 175 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 175
pter 8
Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve:
a case study of a protected urban wetland area
and tourist attraction

Bojana Lipej, Lovrenc Lipej, Simon Kerma

The creation of Škocjanski zatok is closely connected with a mu-
nicipal decision to reclaim the area for urban development. After
many years of degradation, a civil initiative took over with a vi-
sion of protecting this devastated man-made wetland and started
the process of renaturation. The outstanding ornithofauna, hal-
ophyte vegetation, and other habitats were the main arguments
that led to the declaration of protected status of Škocjanski za-
tok in 1998. The restored reserve has become a quickly develop-
ing new destination for ecotourism (attracting responsible visi-
tors and helping to extend the region’s tourist season). Different
groups also use the area for their purposes, such as elementary
and secondary school programmes and universities. Special at-
tention is given to specific interest groups related to nature histo-
ry, ornithology, arts, crafts, and earth sciences. Properly selected
forms of nature-based tourism represent a support activity with
a positive effect on the maintenance and promotion of this pro-
tected area.
Key words: protected areas, nature-based tourism, ecotourism,
Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve, Slovenia

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