Page 177 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 177
škocjanski zatok nature reserve: a case study ...

A case study: Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve (ŠZNR)

On the coast, where the Rižana and Badaševica rivers used to flow into
the sea, lies Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve, the last witness to the insu-
lar past of the town of Koper (Fig. 1). Today, ŠZNR is encircled by the coast-
al town of Koper (neighbouring port), the highway and railway, and other
(sub)urban areas. It can therefore be considered as urban wetland, accord-
ing to the Ramsar classification. As it is located in the vicinity of the town
of Koper, it belongs to the Koper littoral region and it is also a part of Koper
Bay and the Gulf of Trieste (Učakar, 2009).

The area of Škocjanski zatok has a majority of sunny days (up to 2,350
hours per year) and temperatures in the range of 0 oC to 20 oC (Ogrin,
1995). The precipitation regime is also sub-Mediterranean, with high pre-
cipitation in spring and autumn and low precipitation in the winter and
summer (Ogrin, 1995). ŠZNR is the largest brackish wetland in south-
west Slovenia, covering 122.7 ha (Šalaja et al., 2007) and a very unique eco-

Fig. 1 Protected area of Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve and its location in Slovenia
Source: DOPPS, 2015

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