Page 195 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 195
pter 9
Spatial planning of tourism in protected
nature areas in Slovenia and the tourism
carrying capacity of Škocjan Caves Regional

Igor Jurinčič

In this chapter, we assess the importance of spatial planning for
the successful implementation of sustainable tourism in protect-
ed nature areas. We have found that joint development of plan-
ning and comprehensive cooperation between protected area
management and the local community is crucial. This is shown
by analysis of the preparation of adopted spatial acts for certain
protected areas in Slovenia. Since these are mainly areas that ex-
tend into the territory of several neighbouring municipalities, it is
clear that such protected nature areas should be regulated by re-
gional spatial plans.
Key words: spatial planning, protected areas, regional spatial plan,
environmental impact assessment, carrying capacity, Slovenia


Following the prevailing processes of industrialisation and urbanisation
that ran through the end of 1980s, the rise of the importance of biodiversi-
ty and the implementation of the sustainable development paradigm took
place in Slovenia in the 1990s. The global proclivity for draining land to en-
courage intensive agricultural exploitation and urbanisation was partially
replaced by the process of renaturation and protection of areas of (relative-

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