Page 190 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 190
challenges of tourism development in protected areas of croatia and slovenia

Fig. 9 Panoramic view over the freshwater part of Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve
Photo by Bojana Lipej, 2017
tivities, observation of nature, education in a natural local environment
can be linked to learning about quality local gastronomy and staying in an
authentic local environment, which is a win-win situation for the locals as
well as the visitors (Jurinčič et al. 2011, 150).

Tourism activities that are small-scale, implemented quietly, and do
not cause pollution, disturb nature, or require additional actions, are com-
patible with the basic goals of nature conservation. These are the key dif-
ferences that separate tourism activities inside and outside protected are-
as (Sovinc, 2017). Since the beginning of the reserve’s restoration, a total of
€3.1 million has been spent for that purpose. This is another one of many
examples of how it is better to conserve (or maintain) rather than restore.
One of the main challenges for the future of Škocjanski zatok Nature
Reserve is to obtain equilibrium between nature conservation and sus-
tainable tourism.

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