Page 205 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 205
spatial planning of tourism in protected nature areas in slovenia ...

Fig. 5 Number of tourist guides per month in the 2009–2019 period
Source: Škocjan Caves Public Service Agency, 2019
Caves. During the winter months, ticket costs €16.00, in the spring and au-
tumn €18.00, and in the summer months €20.00 (the prices are based on
the year 2019). They also have some special offers and discounts during the
off-season, when organised groups (e.g. school groups and various inter-
est groups) are invited. This means that the seasonal employment of cave
guides was extended from the original four months to seven months (Fig.
5). As of 2019, online ticket sales are available for cave tours.

A new museum collection “History of Discovering Škocjan Caves” was
opened in the park in 2015. Since 2016, a virtual tour of Škocjan Caves with
VR glasses is available for people who are (for whatever reason) unable to
enter the cave but want to take the tour. In addition to tours of Škocjan
Caves, various events, congresses and seminars are also held in the Park.
Tours are offered for both tourists and experts (for example with Škocjan
Learning Trail, established in 2003) and museum collections (ethnological,
archaeological, geological, and cave history) have been arranged in some
formerly-abandoned and decaying structures of the settlements Betanja,
Škocjan, and Matavun.

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