Page 207 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 207
spatial planning of tourism in protected nature areas in slovenia ...

Calculation of the carrying capacity of the cave according to visit:
– Length of the classical circular path through the underground

canyon = 3,000 m
– Duration of the tour with a guide = 90 minutes
– The rate of 10 m of space per visitor on the trail, according

to Brijuni National Park in Croatia (Guidelines for Carrying
Capacity Assessment for Tourism in Mediterranean Coastal
Area, 1996)
– 3000 m total ÷ 10 m per visitor = 300 visitors max on a thematic
pathway simultaneously
– 300 visitors ÷ 20 visitors per group = 15 guides (groups) simulta-
neously in the cave
– Maximum number of visits to the cave is 18 visits/day, every 30
minutes from 9:00 AM to 17:30 PM
– 100 visitors x 18 visits = 1,800 visitors/day (the carrying capacity of
the cave)
– Maximum number of visits to the cave, which may be provided
by each guide is 5 visits/day (18 visits every 30 minutes from 9:00
to 17:30)
– 18 visits x 15 guides ÷ 5 guides = 270 groups ÷ 5 guides = 54 guides/
day needed in the high season
– There are currently only 50 guides in the high season
The decision of the park management regarding the maximum num-
ber of 50 visitors per cave guide is, in the opinion of the author, inappropri-
ate. In practice and literature, it is recommended to have guided tours in
small groups, max 30 visitors per guide, and 15 visitors per guide are recom-
mended in nature parks (Fenell, 2008). Therefore, more guides should be
employed during the summer season, who will be able to carry out not just
better interpretation, but also adequate nature protection control.
In order not to exceed the hourly carrying capacity of 200 visitors/
hour, we advise that the park administration create a new schedule of cave
visits in the summer. Given that a visit to the cave lasts 90 minutes, it would
be more appropriate to anticipate cave visits every half hour, when up to 100
new visitors could enter the cave. This would make it easier to get closer to
the norm of the maximum of 300 visitors at a time in the cave. The calcu-
lation of the cave’s carrying capacity with visits to the cave every half hour
and extending daily working hours by 1.5 hours shows that the maximum

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