Page 38 - Sember, Vedrana, and Shawnda A. Morrison. 2018. The Mind-Body Connection. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 38
Physical Education

structure (general education is provided for all pupils from the be-
ginning till the end of compulsory schooling), Common core cur-
riculum provision (after finishing ISCED 1 all students progress to
ISCED 2, where they follow same general common curriculum)
and Differentiated lower secondary education (after completing
primary education students follow specific types of schooling at
the beginning or during lower secondary education).

ISCED 0 finishes at children’s age of 6 or 7 years. ISCED 0 normally
finishes at 6 or 7 years of age, where ISCED 1 begins and continues
till children’s age of 9.5 (FRYM, Turkey), 10 (Croatia, Germany, Hun-
gary, Austria, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina), 10.5 (Serbia), 11
(UK (except Scotland), France, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Czech
Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Italy, Lithuania, Malta), 11.5
(Cyprus), 12 (Switzerland, Spain, Greece, Ireland, Belgium, Lux-
embourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Scotland) and 13 years
old (Iceland, Estonia, Denmark, Latvia, Finland, Norway, Sweden)
(EURYDICE, 2015). Education system in Slovenia is mainly organ-
ised as public service, where public schools are secular and school
environment autonomous. Italian and Hungarian ethnic minor-
ities have the right to Study in Slovenian educational system in
their own language. Slovenian education system in organised in
several levels of education: Pre-school education (optional in Slov-
enia, funded and financed by municipalities), Compulsory basic
education (single structure nine-year basic school, funded and
financed by municipality and state), Upper secondary education
(takes 2-5 years, funded and financed by state) and Tertiary edu-
cation (short-cycle higher education and higher education; see ht-

Physical Education
Often there is a misunderstanding with terms physical activity and
physical education. Physical activity is behaviour and physical edu-
cation is curriculum area that educates about physical activity. Main
goal for quality physical education is to develop physically edu-
cated children who have the knowledge and confidence to enjoy
being physically active for a lifetime. Physical education as a school

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