Page 39 - Sember, Vedrana, and Shawnda A. Morrison. 2018. The Mind-Body Connection. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 39

subject is teaching school-aged children methods and science of
health, sport, physical fitness and gross motor skills (Robinson,
2011). Physical education uses comprehensive, but physically act-
ive approach, who involves teaching social, cognitive and physically
active approach. Physical education is education through the phys-
ical (Siedentop, 2009).

School physical education accounts for a large proportion of chil-
dren’s physical activity and has positive effect on the development
of motor abilities (EUPAG, 2008). When comparing the pupils at-
tending sports classes to those who do not have any extra hours
of physical education, there are significant and noticeable positive
changes, especially in terms of better physical fitness dimensions
from Slovenian’s sports classes (Jurak, Kovacˇ, & Strel, 2007). Lon-
gitudinal data have shown that normal weight adolescents parti-
cipated in physical education, the odds of becoming overweight in
adulthood decreased by 5% (Menschik, 2008).

Physical education in Europe is not limited only to the training
in physical abilities and has more than just recreational charac-
ter. By participating in many physical activities come knowledge
and insights focused on the principles of the game, such as hon-
est, respect, tactical and physical consciousness and social aware-
ness related to personal interaction and teamwork in many sports.
Health, social integration and good personal development of chil-
dren give extra weight to its importance in the school curriculum.
All European countries recognize importance of physical education,
which is part of core curriculums and is compulsory in primary
and lower secondary education in Europe. Physical education in
European primary schools is taught by generalist or specialist teach-
ers, who need to have bachelor’s degree. At lower secondary edu-
cation, physical education is normally taught by specialist, with
bachelors or masters degree. Almost all European countries assess
formative and summative personal progress in the field of physic-
al education. Grading system at physical education is usually the
same as at the other compulsory subjects. National test of physical

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