Page 55 - Petelin, Ana, et al. Eds. 2019. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 55
erventional programs of psychosocial support for children psihosocialno zdravje v otroštvu in v mladosti | psychosocial health in childhood and youth
and minors in distress
Nataša Demšar Pečak
Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Štukljeva 44, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
As a basic cell of modern society, the family is exposed to increasing pressures
and expectations, and therefore needs different forms of support. It is an im-
portant task of the state to maximize the social inclusion, protection and pro-
tection of children, adolescents. In order to achieve these objectives more ef-
fectively, the state has developed a network of interventional programs to
support the family. The purpose of the paper is to present family support pro-
grams financed by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Op-
portunities. Programs are primarily aimed at children, adolescents and their
families, whose goal is to improve mutual relationships and reduce emotion-
al distress for children and adolescents. The content of the intervention pro-
grams is: helping children and minors deprived of adequate family life, pre-
venting violence, helping victims of violence, various addictions, mental health,
supporting children with special needs, social inclusion, etc. With these pro-
grams, we want to reduce inequality in the accessibility of such services and to
establish mutual cooperation between different institutions, since for good re-
sults in the area of protection and protection of children and youth and their
well-being, co-operative and effective cooperation between state bodies, lo-
cal communities, non-governmental organizations and all other relevant stake-
holders. It is important that the state recognizes the needs of different groups
of children and designs or plans its policies by successfully responding to them.
Keywords: children / adolescents, intervention programs, family, parenting,
mental health

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