Page 73 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 4(1) (2016)
P. 73
ia universitatisCross-influence between Language and Culture:
73 Pause Structure as Proof of Cultural Difference

in the Same Language

Irena Marković and Ivana Škevin
University of Zadar

Raziskave o različnih strukturah za premore v spontanem govoru v različnih jezikih so pokazale, da so
le-te kulturno pogojene. Kljub temu analiza različnih tipov premora znotraj istega jezika v dveh različ-
nih regijah kažejo, kako jezik sam po sebi ne vpliva na kulturno komponento pogovora (čeprav se kul-
tura prenaša prek jezika). Predstavljena raziskava temelji na posnetkih spontanih hrvaških govorcev iz
dveh različnih regij (Istra in Dalmacija). Obe skupini naj bi imeli podobno jezikovno, zgodovinsko in
kulturno ozadje z minimalno stopnjo razlikovanja.
Ključne besede: premori, menjavanje pogovornih vlog, pogovorni stil, prekrivanje, Pula, Zadar

La ricerca sulle diverse forme di pausa (utilizzate nella produzione linguistica) in diverse lingue si rivela

essere una questione di cultura. Tuttavia, i diversi tipi di pause all’interno della stessa lingua in due regioni

mostrano come la lingua stessa non influenzi veramente la cultura del discorso (anche se la cultura viene

trasmessa attraverso il linguaggio). La ricerca è basata su registrazioni del discorso spontaneo di parlanti

croati di due diverse regioni (Istria e Dalmazia). Si ritiene che entrambi i gruppi abbiano analoghi ambiti

linguistici, storici e tradizionali con un livello minimo di differenziazione.

Parole chiave: pause, il turn-taking, stile conversazionale, sovrapposizioni, Pola, Zara.
The idea for this study was inspired by dif-
ferent kinds of perception or stereotypes as a separate and distinctive unit of culture and
attributed to conversational dynamics of most of the studies use language as the most rel-
evant cultural element. In this paper we will try
groups of speakers coming from two different to show how language can influence culture, but
Croatian towns – Zadar and Pula. There are dif- also how the same language (even dialect) can
ferent languages with very similar cultures, just have different cultural cues. Somehow, in liter-
as there are similar languages with different cul- ature, the paralinguistic cues are usually seen as
tures. Both presumptions can confirm how cul- a cultural or personal matter. In this manner we
ture and language are related, but they can also will try to understand which part of paralinguis-
show where the language influence ends and tic cues is transmitted purely through language,
where the culture influence begins. For example, and which part is defined by culture.
we can presume the similarity in cultures of Ger-
manic family of languages, even though their Turn-taking (culture and language)
languages differ. A more difficult task seems to Turn-taking as a fundamental part of conver-
be the mental acceptance that the same languag- sation and generally linguistic performance has
es can have very different cultures. This prob- been studied by many different disciplines star-
lem is always connected with the idea of nation ting from anthropology, psycholinguistics, eth-

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