Page 79 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 4(1) (2016)
P. 79
ia universitatisG: [i onda kad vidi moj. Da], da. Ali neću ti reći Example 7
koj[a je. M: Tako ti j[a
cross-influencebetweenlanguageandculture:pausestructureasproofofculturaldifference... 79 G: [A ha, a ha, a ha
Example 3
C: = [Ma vi niste normalni! When overlaps change the sequence of con-
M: = [Pitat ću ga ja] = versation and cause the change of subject, they
are defined as interruptions. Even though the
There are many overlaps that intrude into previous speaker did not finish her sentence or
other speakers' turns but do not interrupt the en- her story, and even though the intent of these in-
tire sentence of the previous speaker but only the terruptions does not have a very cooperative ef-
last word or its last few syllables. We define them fect, but rather the obstructive one, the speakers
as minimal overlaps because they, unlike inter- do not report the resentment at being interrupt-
ruptions, have a positive connotation and they ed:
do not cause the change of subject.
Example 8
Example 4 C: Ja san jedanput došla, ali mi se činilo da san
G: = Jel je bej[be? van pokvarila kavu, bila san sva ono
C: [Ne znan koja je .. ali dobro je, dobro je.. vi- gmmmm..mmm (laughing), a Marijana došl[a
rujen va[n M: [Nisan ja bila=
T: [Baš je smišna ona C: =Bila si, to je jedna od rijetkih kava
pa znam, a [Marijana s novinama
Example 5 G: [Ne mogu vjerovati da] ja jedina držin boršu,
C: = A Kosmatović, da, da, da. Mislila san Ro- aj sad ću viditi=
ksan[ović. C: =Ne, pa stavi je, to je borša koju trebaju svi vi-
G: [Tonka Grubelić Kosmatović. (0.2) diti. (3)
Tonka Kosmat[ović M: Jel ti se sviđa torba?=
T: [To je u biti idealno, idealno [prezime za G: = Super mi je (1.5), praktična je, ima puno
mene. mjesta i dosta pretinac[a
G: [Oćeš zadržati prezime?] Oćeš zadržati pre- C: [a ona
zime? = T: (not understandable)
C: A roza boja unutra?=
It is obvious that most instances of minimal G: = Predivna je, vražja je.
overlaps have a cooperative effect and their only
function is to convey interest to the other speak- Besides overlaps and interruptions, the sec-
er and to encourage and reinforce her. ond most noticeable detail is that all four speak-
ers frequently initiate turns that latch onto oth-
Example 6 er speakers' turns:
M: [Znaš kako san ja jučer u shopping centru. Ja
iden kupiti sladoled, i tamo na šalteru, da na šal- Example 9
teru, na šanku stoji tamo dvadeset voda, biće ono C: = Da, a kad si se ošišala. Pita te nešto.=
da ne liva, on nos[i G: = Oćeš li zadržati? =
C: [vooda? = T: = Da!
M: = Voda. =
C: = A ha! = The conversations accommodate a wide
M: = Dvadeset čaša vod[e. range of subjects and situations. These chang-
C: [E! es of subject or situations or changes of subject
within a situation are marked by a noticeable de-
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